
Seriously, I mean, it's not like the Japanese plant experienced an earthquake and then a massive tsunami right after right? Oh wait....

Not supporting nuclear power, similar to not supporting safe development of GMOs, vaccines, and adding fluoride to water, is anti-science nonsense


While I understand the desire to have a diverse cast, we also shouldn't expect it all of the time and there certainly shouldn't be a mandate for a large film to have an affirmative action approved quota of groups. If this is what the writers and directors approved for the story, it may just be what they chose and felt


It's not the fact that it was another rape in GoT. It's the fact it was a character that is supposed to be liked who was doing it and that the writers never intended it to be a rape scene. They thought they had filmed a scene of consensual sex. Jaime never has been and was never intended to be a rapist by George R.R.

To be fair though, last week was a case of mass hysteria and people refusing to see what happened in the books.

I'm interested in your mentioning of last weeks episode. If that scene was as big a deal as people made it out to be (honestly, i don't think it was) then what about this week? There were scenes where people were just being casually raped in the background. And yet i haven't heard a thing about it from

He hasn't gotten the books out in a timely manner. Something just gave.

Well, there's that guy called Varys. Littlefinger is entertaining the notion that they are rivals. They're not. Littlefinger is Varys's pawn.

Which is tragic, because that's clearly where Hodor belongs. With Ser Pounce as Paw of the King.

So I often find myself wondering just how much more the show runners seem to know about what's coming than we do. The obvious one in this episode were the big reveals about the White Walkers, but the more interesting one to me is how they've handled Dany.

But so worth it.

Anybody with half a brain and even casual knowledge about armor could identify these garments as ceremonial / for show and not armor. The character depicted is a vampire queen, vampires being innately sexual in modern pop culture. Also, do you really think some splint mail is going to stop something strong enough to

That is because, even in nature, they are a prominent feature of the female body. It isn't some sexist or horny driven habit of these artists. Also, the female form is beautiful really, it adds a sense of elegance. It is also more than just the breasts. Look at the arms and the "hair", look at how smooth and elegant

Now playing

Some of the creatures are, evidently, female. Females, in general, have breasts. :/

i think I'm the only one paying attention to but not complaining about the boobs.

A lot of good looking art and of course we have to pay attention to and complain about the boobs. Come on people.

Must we have this crap in the comments every time this site shows an artist's work? This dumb shit "ridiculous armor, blah blah" is posted every single time.

Some characters just don't work in solo movies. See the Hulk for an example.