
Have you played it yet to determine that this problem makes the game abysmal?

To do what you described isn't viable yet because of average internet speeds, that's a lot of information that needs to be sent. They're actually able to do it now as described in this article :

Yeah because PS, and Xb have never been hacked before. lol Please.

The words "f**k," "sh*t," "a*shole," and "f*ggot" can be heard in the dialogue.

It's only $60 for people who don't know how to use a search engine.

Just stop already, it's getting pathetic. After all that talk about the superiority of the Ps4 and constantly talking down about the Xbox One we now know the truth , and all you can do in defense is try and bring down the Xbox One with you. Nope sorry. Just because your launch games are shit and got bad reviews and

Yeah...because the company that has the most time to prepare is obviously going to have the worse launch. PS only fans are so delusional.

They aren't much different in size.

While the PS4 looks pretty damn sleek because it looks so small in comparison to the Xbox One, I actually prefer the One's aesthetics more.

Wow...the Sony Defense Force fanbois are going to burn Kotaku down with this review. This was the only first party title from Sony in the next six months or so that looked like it may be decent...and it's crapping out all over.

Ever had a newborn kid? Or even been around one? They are the worst. You treasure any moment of peace and serenity available, and if you see a chance to create one, you take it.

I feel as though as long as it's relevant to the topic at hand then there shouldn't be the question of "why did you tell them that?". I'm a woman. I have two kids. I play vidya gamez. However, I also comment on a website that is available to lots and lots of people, each with their own opinions, feelings, and

Are you fucking kidding me? You do realize these people decapitate heads and throw them in the middle of streets right? You do realize they rape and murder women of all ages? You do realize they have taken over an entire Country hostage and are the direct result of over 35,000 deaths a year in Mexico? Fuck you for

Because it's a separate universe with no connection to the first one.

This review wasn't very helpful for those of us that have only played Infinite. You're basically just saying that it doesn't live up to your expectations of what you though Rapture was like, which is vastly different from saying it "bites off more than it can chew".

He won't banned, he'll just have to go through a 5 day maintenance check, then a 2 hour update.

The thing is, those are 3 private companies that have the right to freeze, remove and ban any content using their services. Just like your ISP can disconnect your internet and refuse to provide you service.

So... I'm the only one who thinks he's obnoxious?

Good article, though I don't have much sympathy for the guy.