
Your grasp of economic principles is truly the stuff of legends.

Sometimes I wish we could down vote comments.

I consider myself a foremost RoboCop scholar (of course I'm NOT making that up...), and for me, this was always going fall to one side of a very thin line - one side being blasphemy and the other being FUCK YEAH NEW ROBOCOP. I have to say, despite the very blasphemous PG-13 rating, I'm enthusiastic. What's doing it


Wow... right over your head. It's not a matter of need, just showing off more capability.

Now, if only everyone in the world refused to buy a console at launch because it was dumb, to put it in your words. I can just see the amazing support the devs would give to the consoles with no sales. See it, I tell you!

oh sorry this isn't gawker

Here's an idea, cancel the PS3 Xbox 360 versions of the game. They aren't needed, they are the hardest to program for, and ultimately will hurt the game as you cater to the weakest machines. Bring us the PS4, PC, Xbox One versions. Make it cross play with PS4 and if at all possible Xbox One (not likely). Then move on.

I'm choosing Xbox One over PS4 this generation for a few reasons:

You are not the brightest bulb. That's a fact.

He's giving up some of his energy, so that Goku can create a Spirit Bomb.

I miss the days where a FPS was defined by its single-player campaign. People are complaining that this review does not focus on the multiplayer, ostensibly the reason the game was coded in the first place (you folks are not wrong!).

It makes sense because it is a social racing game that is using the hashtag format in the title. I feel like you guys miss the point on naming convention.

The comment to end all comments.

This pretty much make all other comments on Kotaku forever irrelevant.

buzz words buzz words buzz words!!!!

If this were the case, games would never be released. Ever.

I'm not trolling, trolling is stating the false with intent of stirring up shit, normally causing others to lose their minds over nothing. I'm just saying that the amount of ego in the title of this post alone is a joke. I mean really... It's like Kanye status.

They will when the consoles come out and they realize the PS4 just plays games and can't do anything else...

This is more of an aggressive commute than a race.