
Hate to be that person but this looks like it could be running on a tablet.

Awesome, can't wait until the book gets here. I've actually read all of the Halo books including hers and really enjoyed them. I found the extra detail she did with the Covenant cast system to be really interesting and how without the prophets their infrastructure completely collapsed on itself. Her newest Halo one

Weakest trolling attempt I've seen in awhile.

As someone who used to live where there were a lot of racoons, fuck racoons.

Not to mention could be carrying rabies.

Wow never knew she wrote it. I quite literally bought her first Gears of War book today because I heard it was good.

He had a podcast interview recently where he did say that his next game will be a PC arena shooter. I don't remember the exact spot in the interview he says it in, but the whole thing is really good and funny.

Did you even read the article or know what a gigabit is?

"5gb of GDDR3 doesn't stack up to 8gb of GDDR5."

  • Does this theoretical PC have 8 GB of GDDR5?
    - No, graphics cards have their own GDDR5 memory ranging from 1-6 gigs and then there's DDR3 memory averaging 8-16 gigs in most PCs. This method is better because even though GDDR5 has a higher bandwidth DDR3 is quicker. So having GDDR5 on the graphics card and DDR3 for

He's still black, like really black, because she's super not racist.

The US sent humans to the moon 44 years ago. Imagine where we could be if NASA was kept on task and fully funded from then to now.

Don't see how this makes any sense. If Microsoft didn't buy Epic and they announced a cross platform Gears game you would've regretted it? Or if this announcement was never made you would've regretted it? What?

Agreed, on the surface it looks like a bro shooter but the characters in Gears have more depth than people give them credit for. In all three games it goes from crazy chainsaw fun and jokes seamlessly into some pretty damn emotional stuff. Dom's death damn near had me crying.

Epic will never make another UT game :(

BUT, Cliffy B announced that he's done with his break and his first game will be a PC twitch shooter. He's our only hope.

Enough to the characters??? I almost cried when Dom died man :(

Is Jason Connel Cliffy B's little brother?

So blurry, always upload to imgur.

Yup, couple weeks ago I upgraded to windows 8.1. After adding Start 8 and making it so I don't have to put in my PW at login I love it and there's really nothing to complain about.