
I was hoping for the same thing but Naughty Dog has already said they're not doing a re release on Ps4.

Disney owns Marvel as well, and Marvel's movies have been pretty damn entertaining.

Oh it exists, complete with giant dongs.

*double post*

New parent?

Except they made sure to include bosses, events, and family gatherings as well. If anyone only sees it as guys getting away from their SO's they have some tunnel vision.

Pretty sure if they tied rope to a woman's feet and dragged her by a horse there would be nothing but negative things said about it.

Not talking about the arm, just the running in general.

Ok this comment isn't going to be important at all, but someone needs to teach her how to run. Other than that liked it a lot.

More like someone who realizes that the cult fascination with this over rated movie is very misplaced.

Actually there are numerous tombs throughout the game with puzzles to solve in each, and the combat is some of the best for any third person shooter. The dynamic cover system is seamless and every weapon is fun and satisfying to use, especially the bow. Upgrading said weapons also changes them dramatically for the

That's why they should've just given the PC a patch, it's not like it's a lot of new features for the PC version.

To me PC version looks better but definitive is more realistic.

I used to think the same thing until I watched Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. Never again will I disrespect Aquaman.

It's a very over rated movie.

Instead of getting so mad at the game how about people get mad at their providers and try for some change. I feel for those who can't get anything better, but like it or not things are going digital and everything is only going to get larger. Sure 13 gigs for a patch even today is an exaggeration, but it's also a sign

I enjoyed this post. However, I must know more about this grape protest.

What do YOU mean "You assholes"?

Dunno how this would ever work in multiplayer which is where 99.9999 percent of raging happens. If I were to kill someone a couple times would the game then send me a message saying that person is getting a bit agitated and to tone it down?

Ok..I never said they did.