
Stupid? I guess you don't use photoshop because this type of thing is fun. My friends and I have PS battles all the time editing photos of each other. Plus as they say a one year old's birthday is for the parents more than the kid so how can doing something funny that will be a great thing to look at years later be

Very nice setup, minus the back speaker placement :X

Looks like a training exercise, probably not live rounds? That's my guess anyways.

Strict regulations and massive Chicago? How's that working out for them.

I get the point fine, and it's dumb. Just another get rid of guns and things will be so much better speech with a ridiculous comparison in the middle.

She actually doesn't sound very good live.

As far as nvidia goes video cards run pretty cool now since the 6 series. My 670 at 1100mhz doesn't go above 70C at load.

That's what caught my eye too, especially the TV part. I have a bravia (be it a little older) and would love to play games I missed like last of us and beyond two souls. Pretty exciting.

All I see while reading this:

Really if you were able to run it smoothly at times with only a 2 mbps connection that's petty impressive. So I'm guessing my 100up and 100 down will have no issues with this.

Not even just visuals, but everything else as well. Hopefully not having that nagging reminder that it has to work well on the old consoles will open up devs minds more in other areas. I'm happy both the XB1 and PS4 are selling so well so studios won't feel like they're taking such a huge risk not doing cross

Well I guess I have three wild grizzly bears in my house, it's a wonder no one has died yet.

I just bought a really long HDMI cable.

Then don't buy them. Why should developers be censored because you or others don't want it there.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a prime example.

It was announced for 2014 all the way back at e3, or course that's what he's talking about.

Leave it to Kotaku to no share the whole story.

Only so much you can do? If they could update H1 to a new console they can do the same for H2 giving it a proper face lift. Also, I would much rather have the remake be a higher resolution with 60 FPS while looking better instead of an outdated looking title at 30 FPS. Plus, the earliest this would come out would be

360? No thank you, wait the extra year and do it in the new engine on xbox one.

Was it GTA cereal?