
Pretty sure the erection he must of had absorbed most of it.

I once heard there's no respawns, worst video game ever.

Happened to a friend of a friend, isn't pretty.

I always like getting outside perspective on things. So are most of the youth just shy or is it cultural? I had a buddy who went over there and he said barely anyone would look him in the eye.

Yea in the end it's not the US defeating the Chinese, in fact the Chinese wrecked the US. Rather it's China overcoming itself, so all in all I agree.

So what you're saying is after the tower collapse on Shanghai is when the map becomes accurate?

It's so bad it's good?

Raw numbers don't mean much in modern combat. They could send all the people they want but if they don't take air control (which I highly doubt they could against the US) those numbers would be useless. Plus the amount of ordinance the US can drop from long distances with accuracy is very substantial.

The moon landing was 44 years ago. Just think where the US could of been (and how much more great technology we would of gotten) if NASA was kept fully funded and on task.

Xbox has great games as well, just not as many that appeal to that demographic.

The whole running with weapons pointed straight back thing annoys me more than it should.

Damnit where are the videos showing the most interesting part of the Steam box, the controller..

..ok then.

So much room for activities.

I ran UT3 smoothly with an ATI x1800. Gears of War on my old PC beautifully with an AMD Dual core and a ati 4870 just the same as Bulletstorm did years later.

Celldweller goes with everything doesn't it.

Cliffy B put it best.

I changed to windows 8 about a week ago after getting my Samsung EVO and making it my boot instead of my M4. I must say after a quick google search learning how to turn off the boot up password, having it boot straight to desktop, and installing start8 I really love windows8. It's really just windows 7 with nicer

Even if there's not currently a shark DICE best add it in.

Now playing

You certainly get an A for passion, next you'll tell me this was dubbed. Either way have a good night, this isn't even an argument worth having.