
Going to the moon, easy. Creating a bra to support generously endowed women? We just don't have the technology.

It almost seems that humor is subjective?

I keep hearing about these Jezebel commenters but I've never been. Is it one of those things I should try at least once? Or should I count myself lucky and stay away.

No I know. There's been talk of the xbox SDK having issues and what not as well. I'm just saying the differences between them aren't nearly as drastic as when the PS3 came out when no one had any experience with it's architecture.

Well that's not really a good comparison. When the Ps3 came out no one knew how to work with the cell processor which is why games looked bad on it. Now both the console have pretty much the same architecture.

I'd say it's a great thing to hear from Frankie. I'm a very big Halo fan from the day I got my first xbox for Christmas in 2001. It was obvious Halo 4 was rushed and I'm really hoping that 'doing better next time' includes taking Halo back to what made it great. It really did almost turn into CoD in space with

Actually you're looking at it more simply than I am in terms of black and white. Context may be a simple word but it's implication isn't. Language and it's meaning is different from group to group even if the core definition of it is technically the same. So I know that in the context of a gaming site where the 'PC

He was talking to me.

Ok. My name is CherM2222, I'm generally a nice person with a little bit of sass who can recognize when something is a harmless joke.

You're my new best friend, I still play 2k4 almost daily.

Yea this sounds more like a personal issue.

I bought it three days ago and have crashed or dc'd yet.

If Phoenix comes in*

Wow you're all over the place in these comments. Can't imagine how much typing you do when something actually offensive comes along.

These comments were refreshing. Crazy how many people just see what they want to see.

So do you think this is the type of thing that could be improved on XB1 with a software update? Can't think of anything hardware wise that would make it lag behind so much.

You did, it's called Star Wars : The Old Republic

I know nothing about either of these groups but after watching some of these videos the Koreans are definitely the better dancers. Then again Koreans are usually the best dancers in general anyways.

So Crayon Pop is the Steve Jobs of Asian pop bands?