
On top of the fact that each server allows one version of a name at a time.

I actually named my monk unsullied, seemed fitting.

What? Walt was working for him and Jesse is the one who came to Walt, he didn't pressure him at all.

"But Apple’s shrewd decision to use plastic is about more than just money."

Just think too. If Jesse hadn't gone all crazy and tried to kill Gastavo's gang bangers making Walt have to run them over with him car to save his life, none of this would even be happening. The whole point of Jesse being in this show is to do stupid shit.

"especially on this site, it seems that so many are pretty well educated and dont work fast food"

I love that they did, because that's how I realized they ditched GTA IV's combat system for more Max Payne like game play which peaked my interest immensely.

When GTA IV came out it was their first game on the Rage engine (not counting table tennis). Every game they've ported since then on the newer versions has run great on PC, the main example of that being Max Payne 3. Also every game since GTA IV (Red Dead Redemption, and Max Payne) have run much smoother on the

I wanted to finish it, I really did, but I'd get so bored riding my horse long distances.

It's exactly the same..

Yes I know, I've seen GI Joe unfortunately lol. So I guess it would be something more like we were hacked before the invasion taking down our infrastructure.

Everyone has been saying this from the day they showed the dog.

From what I'm gathering with the rods in the beginning was it somehow shut everything down. Could be wrong though. Plus, the complete unlikely hood of that happening, but I'm willing to suspend belief when it comes to video games.

Woah man, calm yourself Infinity Ward dives into the deepest details when making CoD. I mean, fish swim away from you and everything.

Now playing

Especially since real special forces keep their calm. Even though I know this was with real players I would love for AI characters in games to talk in this demeanor during firefights.

I personally don't know anyone who's really taken with him, it's just more of a internet joke. I mean, trying to put a dog as your partner with Call of Duty's animations was doomed from the start.

Yea it probably would of been, and my point of all companies doing things purely for profit and not out of the goodness of their hearts would be the same.

The irony I see is that recently public reception has gone something like this.

Because gawkers news is unreliable and you can find better articles on the same topics elsewhere.

If even Reddit bans links from Gawker sites to their news sections that's telling you something.