
No Rockstar title has ever launched on PC. It'll happen eventually.

No because with the longer cycle the PC picked up the slack graphics wise making it a smoother transition.

? it went n64/ps1 to xbox/ps2. I personally went from N64 to Halo.

"When the original Xbox gave way to the Xbox 360, there was no mistaking one system's games for the other's. Even the worst Xbox 360 launch titles were distinctively Xbox 360 games, plastic-looking textures and all."

I was just responding to what you said about maps, because it's not so much the design as sprint that makes them play bad. I could go into many other things if we're talking about the game in general.

"Not to mention that the game just doesn't have the same level of map design that Halo 2 & 3 did."

Despite what anyone says 343 have done a great job sticking with the community and putting the changes into multiplayer. Almost every week since launch there's been something new or tweaked every Monday and it's a lot more fun now than it was at launch. If you're talking changes in general to halo 4 multiplayer I

You even watch the video?

Well shit, if the west keeps declining and China keeps going up like they have, Hong Kong doesn't sound too bad.

You missed the point..he's just showing the scale of how much a billion dollars actually is. We hear big numbers so often now that it gets lost in translation.

How does this qualify as having too much time. Not to mention the fact he probably makes more money than most of the people here from playing a video game.

and not soon enough, should of been in mainstream 4k already if 3d wasn't slowing everything down.

Season 2 was one giant bad episode..

Never said it's 'the' problem, but yea I think it's a problem when people get so paralyzed because they're scared of being wrongly deemed a racist.

" I didn't congratulate him in fear of looking like a racist."

No him too, they're all around the same age. MC was just always big and it's after they were genetically modified.

Patricia doesn't like men though.

A small detail that not many people know about is that the Spartans during the movie were only 15 years old. Not a huge plot point but I thought it added to the badass factor.

When the invis elite was chasing the squad I thought that whole sequence was amazing. Also, I got it on blu ray and the sound quality is pretty damn amazing as well for anyone with a good home theater setup.

I'm still going to go with no.