
This is why Microsoft fails..their PR is awful. It has nothing to do with the local content. To give an example I could add any friends who have been on my XBL for 30 days to my 'family list'(up to 10 people). Now after doing that I would have full access to all of their game library to download and play on my console

Not possible with DRM in place, otherwise it'll be abused to hell and back.

Yup, no future innovation with their cloud services because now every game must be able to run completely offline. We may still get simple things like AI offloading when connected, but probably won't see anything really groundbreaking because from a developers point of view what's the point.

Are you really so narrow minded that you don't see he's not talking about DRM, but the things that could of been done on the console that requires DRM so they don't get abused?

The changes Microsoft was bringing made everything more convenient..........

Wow, even if you were right you still made yourself sound like the biggest idiot.

What? The whole point of the family pack was to allow friends wherever they may be to download games from your library and play them on their consoles. Had nothing to do with anything local.

I was talking to Dune, I agreed with you.

No matter how much it has improved the thumbstick positioning is still retarded.

Not everyone is a teenager who wants their game console to be peacocking next to their TV.

I've never face palmed in real life from reading a comment until just now.

The vocal online minority wouldn't even of made as big a dent in their sales as everyone thinks.

No..that doesn't even make any sense.

Without the DRM being in place console side it's impossible. I could download a game, then share it with the 10 people on my list and then they could all go offline so their servers only see my version playing. Unlike before where you could share but only one person could use the license at a time. It's not possible

"family sharing" was possible with anyone, not just family. In fact my entire family list wouldn't of had a single family member in it.

A 20 gig download takes me 15 minutes, so yea I was looking forward to it.

Wonder why they didn't remove kinect having to be plugged in while they were at it.


Nope, completely lost me there.

You don't know Steam very well.

It's getting harder and harder to be skeptical about the Rift with every new article I read about it.