
I guess it depends on each person. For those who don't have the best internet yes it would seem to be a downgrade. However, for myself and my friends who thankfully live in an area with good ISP options it's an upgrade to the usual way of sharing.

Thank you for putting key words in caps for me, otherwise I would of completely missed your point. Either way that's wrong, I don't lose access to anything.

I'm thinking of what would happen if paired with kinect..being able to actually reach out and grab stuff while having the rift on would blow my mind.

"well, we aren't yet sure how microsoft is going to define "family"."

Steam games are also all purely digital, and don't have a disc counter part that can be used to install the game on another PC. Also, steam doesn't allow the sharing of these digital games, but the XB1 does.

I have been mainly a PC gamer since UT99. However, consoles are a different experience that I still enjoy, and they still have exclusives that I don't want to miss.

So you're saying without the disc in it does the 24 hour check, but if it's in you can stay offline?

They do want to, here's a quote from Yusuf Mehdi (Xbox Chief Marketing Officer):

When you install games to the XB1 you no longer need the disc to play the game, that's why it has a 24 hour check. Without the check people could install the game and keep it even after selling the disc.

While I can agree with most of your points I think people aren't having enough foresight with this. These consoles are going to have a very long cycle and I see these servers being a type of future proofing. Sure right now it may seem kind of cheesy, but what about 3,4,5,6 years from now? With the way Google Fiber is

Yup, really I love how the sharing sounds. It's not as if I borrow/let borrow games with more than 10 people. Plus it just seems much more convenient. Then if I go to some one's house who isn't on my list, just download my profile and instantly have access to my whole library. Myself and my friends all have

Unlike the Ps4 the games on XB1 no longer require the disc to play after installing. So the need for the 24 hour check makes perfect sense because otherwise people could install and keep the game even after selling the disc.

No clue where you're pulling all of these assumptions from.

Omg thank you. Yea literally all I've seen were screen shots,and the CGI trailers, guess I'll have to start following IGN for the rest of e3.

Weird, personally I like Precision X the best.

Microsoft needs to get on making cooler things for the kinect, because it really is a step above the Ps4 camera in almost every way (technically speaking).

So will we ever see any gameplay for this?

Ah ok, I didn't realize this game had such close ties to Ico fans like that. I remember the game being pretty big but I didn't have a Ps2 at the time. Makes sense now.

This is why Microsoft should come to the community for actual cool uses for it. All the middle finger jokes aside, the community could come up with uses for the Kinect that would be a lot better than anything Microsoft is thinking of.

Shame the majority of the gaming community are awful at being unbiased and open minded.