
Yes, but does that price include the season pass as well?

That must be one large pants party.

Even though they would never do this I think it would be a breath of fresh air for everyone if Activision were to say they're taking a year off to give their developers time to fully re imagine the CoD series.

What I've learned from reading these comments:

Since you seem to be big into reading comprehension I think you should read my original comment again. I didn't throw any sort of blinders on, I'm saying that line of advertising didn't make me want to buy it more (which is what advertising is supposed to do). I thought it was weird adding that line especially

Hard to call some one a fanboy when you're the one getting defensive. Also, in your view what would not liking that line of advertising make me a fanboy of exactly?

Yea I know, I just found it funny that they felt the need to advertise that on a game that's completely different. I guess they're just trying to appeal to CoD lovers. However, to me it's almost like when they put 'M Night Shyamalan' on a movie, it instantly has a bad taste.

'The company that brought you Call of Duty'

No, I don't expect them to get cheaper, but I don't usually count DLC and micro transactions into the initial buy. At the end of the day those options are still optional.

Ah I'm going to have to look for it again. I remember a part before the story starts where 343 (Chakas) says something like terms will be translated into things Humans can understand because he's telling the story to the UNSC. So since Humans called them Forerunners that's what they're called in the story.

Yes, and many of the xbox games on the 360 didn't work and the ones that did usually ran horribly.

Ah ok, carry on :D

The only reason I hope this game is good and successful is so I can finally get a Mirror's Edge sequel.

Specs aside the games they show at e3 will be my deciding factor. For me personally I've generally enjoyed xbox exclusive games more than the Playstations. The promise of 15 exclusive titles eight of which being new ips within the first year is very interesting news and shouldn't be cast aside. The majority of games

I don't think utilizing a systems potential is part of it, at least not in this gen since they're both using the same architecture as PCs making it more simple to develop for. It's more about reaching the largest market possible initially for the multi platform releases. The first party games though are where we'll

Well 1080p native and making the environments more expansive and detailed. GT comes to mind where the screenshots were always jaw dropping but playing the actually game it didn't look nearly as good. It would be lower res and the backscapes would be ugly 2d low texture messes. But I agree, car sweat is the future!!! I

The Run was on Frostbite 2. Really though I don't blame the engine for making that game bad as much as the developers. Frostbite is a very versatile engine (even more so with 3) so they should be able to make it work. It goes along the same lines I think of how initially people thought the Unreal Engine 3 was a one

I don't think you realize exactly how much power is required to run games through emulation.

Are you really taking a random news stations word on pricing when they obviously don't know anything about it.