
Single Player!!

True, but it's like going from an iphone 3g to an iphone 5.

So you know those huge press conferences they hold every year before e3 actually starts where they show off absolutely everything big coming out and are a couple hours long? Yea, that's the real one.

Update is so huge that it almost feels new though.


Call me crazy, but the reveal of a new console after seven years with the old ones is a pretty big deal. Guess Microsoft payed every other gaming/tech site on the internet as well?

Thank you for actually seeing the possible uses for this instead of just complaining that it's required, thinking no games will use it, or it'll still just be gimmicky. A lot of these comments make me sad.

That's just it, the fact that it will sold with every console is what will stop only a handful of games using it. Before it wouldn't seem worth it to developers because not only was the first generation kinect nowhere near this good, but not everyone had one. Plus, it's obvious Microsoft wants to push this console for

Same, I bought the original kinect, had it for a couple weeks being selling it. This though no longer seems gimmicky. Even though some hate it, I like the fact of the kinect being with each xbox as well. Because of this we'll get a lot of cool innovations being implemented into your average games instead of only full

I don't understand why people aren't getting this. The press event was to solidify it's existence and showcase the features of (very specifically) the console. So they did exactly that and still threw a couple games in. It didn't impress you? Fine, but surely you can survive the wait until June 10th.

You mean the reveal that was months ago and nowhere near e3? That one?

Yes because they're going to show all their new ips a couple weeks before E3 so they have nothing new to reveal. This was just to show the new console, that's it.

Do people ever pay attention. This was the CONSOLE reveal, know what they means? They focused on the CONSOLE. Why the fuck would they show off a bunch of games when E3 is 19 days away where everything will be about the games.

I can't wait until games like this came out on the PS4 (or next xbox) and use their full power. The thing about these games is they try to convey the environment being an open and interactive world but always come up short. The next generation will finally have the power to truly create massive worlds to explore with

Sort of reminds me of Raid Redemption, which is an absolutely incredible action film that all should see.

Why do you think it still has such a huge population. Goes to show you don't always need to constantly add features to make a game better.

At least we only get one a year, Japan gets a new one each month.


Oh hell no, don't even look at my Left for Dead cup.

I've gotten my share of deals. However, I'm not going to go and soak up Microsoft points every time there's a sale. Being able to arbitrarily see something that I want and just paying the exact for it is more convenient.