
Couple things. Make sure you are drinking MEGA amts of water to keep everything diluted. No alcohol or caffeine. Sleeping elevated head, right. Plus something I just learned last month—have them check your VitB12 levels. Stomach problems wash that stuff out and you need injections not oral meds to replace. Good luck.

IDK some guys just refuse to improve. Plus if he’s already on meds with a negative impact on his life—-future may not be bright just filled with more meds&health problems. Speaking from rough experience but for me—I’d hit the bricks. xxoocf

After my life completely flipped 8 months ago, I am getting closerclosercloser to recovering. Last week I walked my first 5K. Today I repaired broken $40 sprinkler and it worked. #myvictoriesmypride xxoocf

Two tomato plants, Meyer lemon tree, Reg lemon tree (dumb I know—it was an accident), ONE Anaheim chili, ONE yellow crookneck squash, Lavendar. I can only have one because I grow SO MANY VEGGIES people run when they see me coming. ‘Cuz I give them away—-constantly....xxoocf

Living neck deep in TrumpCountry you just can’t underestimate deepdeepDEEP role of right wing extreme media pushing Clintonhate. It feels like EVERY radio, office TV+++ is tuned in to Foxkrap or Rush+++. The haters can’t articulate (....) WHY they hate them but all the swirling fog pushed out over the years

We have several just like that in our community including Zombie Prom, etc. Costs a fortune per person, everyone signs away liability and gets jumped on by costumed characters, paint balls, fake blood, etc. xxoocf

Considering the HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of peeps from volunteers such as Junior League Committee Chairs to Vacation Bible School Coordinators to paid professional Event Planners who could handle EVERYTHING PERFECTLY I got zero sympathy for these guyz&dollz I see attorneys lining up to take EVERYONES coins forever

Central CAli or Elko NV areas are blessed with Basque populations and their food. Do not go UGH!!—this is super tasty. Peeled, boiled and then PICKLED in a super tasty vinegrette sliced paper thin beef tongue. Piled high on fresh French bread&butter then topped with essentially a tomato concasse mild salsa while

Hmmm—but all of the velas we see for LaVirgen (Our Lady of Guadalupe right?) are mostly blue—ish.

Having worked in both retail&hospitality for 15 years I realized the ONLY function those jobs serve is to FORCE YOU to take out student loans to get training to do ANY OTHER JOB. Assassin was always top of my choices.

I don’t like her or her politics but—question here—can’t they hire extra security, police, etc and still permit her to speak? Otherwise doesn’t it just make her and her cause more of a “martyr” position? At least a bulletproof vest over poor fashion choices would be an interesting accessory choice. xxoocf

Old, widowed, children-free and delighted. I know I am now legally considered an “elder orphan” but never saw a long term happy family. Strife, trouble, absolutely heartless behavior frequently towards each other and clawing at $$ like its oxygen. Yep. There are happy families and obviously in capitalist ‘Murica we

Would love to hear her stories BUT have learned the hard$$$ way w/$$$spent that these trulyintersting folk are deepdished with skintight NDAs that their books are worthless. I will buy the book written by a top investigative journalist looking to making a living&winning a Pulitzer. xxoo:-(cf

I’m sadly delighted that so much of Kelly’s past comments/behaviors are coming to light. You don’t get to be “Eva Braun” on FoxNews by not repping for the party line. It amazes me how very few women of —heck beige even!— that network can find to spew its falsehoods. xxoo:-(cf

I know I’m just a softie, but with her mother—who seems just a liddle harsh—and all the other mess including no actual job skills—I just feel sorry for the kiddos. You know their Richie-rich schools&friends are just destroying them. xxoo:-(cf

What always surprises me—I know I know—-no matter how quiet I am my dog gets upset when I cry around her. I have to go cry in the shower. xxoo:-(cf

I faced repeated sexual harassment during my career. I never bothered to report it because I knew nothing would happen to the bad guys and it would ruin whatever little promotions potential I had. To see constant reporting about TV networks, National Parks Service, Military, Silicon Valley and many other places where

I agree with you. Additionally as a teacher and teacher-trainer on these kinds of issues it is well known across the US that Michigan is a hot bed of this kind of activity. Considering this child abuse and widely publicizing it might actually encourage collateral reporting and save some children. Also requiring it as

Right now life is too hard for me so reading light, genre stuff&enjoying. Fantasy-”Poison Study” Maria V. Snyder original, good world building, leans toward YA; Romantic Suspense-”Kill Without Mercy” Alexandra Ivy solidly written Alpha good guy stuff; Urban Paranormal-”Crow” series by Shelly Laurentson clever Norse

I grew up in the “CompanyTown”. Worked multiple service jobsgiving me a birds-eye view of the industry “players”. Soooooooooo unimpressed and feeling they deserve ALL THE DIRTY TRIX they harvest. Now if someone tells me they are a screenwriter or have a screenplay or any variation I laugh until I cry. Then I try and