
Not surprised at all. I’ve lived in the Tech/Bro world for decades and stuff like the characters on “BigBangTheory” is totally correct. Emphasizing STEM skills over “learning” social skills and basic human decency all for the purposes of making bigbux is the issue. Just like manymanymany peeps have to go to COLLEGE

This is just terrible on every level. Disrespectful to the others in the room, to theoffice, wearing a shorty dress with her knees spread wide apart. Easy to see why DISHONEST Donald wants a classless bimbo like this in his office. Can you imagine ANY MAN EVER attempting this kind of position combining too much

As a female with Aspergers part of my “socialization training” was understanding these social ‘requirements”. I hate it everyday. But have no choice as I missed being born with a trustfund. sigh. I sure eat a LOT of Antacids for my repressed anger too. xxoo:-(cf

Nothing worse than working for one of these touchy asshats. Had at least 6 bosses like that and hated everyone and tried to leave ASAP. Amazingly enough their “handsy” behavior—I had one boss who hugged me and sniffed myhair—only applies to female employees. Apparently men would just correctly know him down. xxoo:-(cf

Nothing worse than working for one of these touchy asshats. Had at least 6 bosses like that and hated everyone and tried to leave ASAP. Amazingly enough their “handsy” behavior—I had one boss who hugged me and sniffed myhair—only applies to female employees. Apparently men would just correctly know him down. xxoo:-(cf

Look at any random 10 guys—mix up ages—whatever. Do even8/10 guys look like they give two kraps about anyone/anything other than themselves? Grinding aggression, emotional immaturity, fixed on appearance and speed of getting THEIR needs satisfied no matter if they are at Starbux or in bed. What is amusing is poor,

Well written and thought out. I flip the argument and look at it from a consumer viewpoint. Considering the MASSIVE numbers of elderly babyboomers who are still independent in their outlook and need to get around—car service COULD have a good future. Consider the high numbers of 60+ peeps needing car service for the

Sigh. Totally true. xxoo:-(cf

You are so sadly correct. Bah. xxoo:-(cf

Everything is true here. Now just imagine feeling like this and being....FEMALE. The endless baby showers,birthday lunches WORST OF ALL the MANDATORY Potlucks where the Powers not ONLY steal your lunch but REQUIRE YOU to bring food for yourself and other people. At your expense. Plus you get the all purpose word

NEVER. LET. HER. GO. And diamonds are lovely too. xxoo:-(cf

Ground beef taco bar, spinach artichoke dip in slow cooker with toasted sour dough, Sara Lee Strawberry cheesecake with side of fresh strawberries. xxoo:-(cf

In CAli "raves+EDM is getting a very bad rap becuz the high temps, poor fluid intake and "drugs" that elevate the heart are causing peeps to drop dead. Last big EDM+rave—three peeps died and over 50++ were critically ill. Promoters are —kinda prolly right—-in that at some point—peeps must take care of themselves. BUT

So cool! Love the boiling water thingie. xxoocf

As a School Leader I was fortunate to be trained on this subject (Religion&Practice in Public Schools) by the outstanding Southern Poverty Law Center. This "problem" has a very easy solution. Hopefully DTrump will not co-op this story as yet another way to rampup American fears. Fingers crossed........xxoocf

As a diehard Sothern guuurrrl Chef I have many special serving dishes for deviled eggs. At a party 2 doz is the rock bottom minimum. They go next to the tiny sweet pickles and peppers dishes. Of course I have those specialty shaped dishes too. sigh. My addition—have you ever tried minced black olives in your basic

Well sorri not sorri and boohoohoo. This is why typically its only trust fund babies that can work these "cool&glam" jobs. Wage slaves are stuck—IDK—working at high end retail. TWO companies I worked for—I can sure pick them, amirite?—both went out of business and of course we had to stay to the bloodybloody — bring

This picture is not a picture of America today. The problem I have with the current GOP is mostly they literally CANNOT see the issue. I can hear them—"WTF! Everybody is clean and dressed nice. Don't see a lot of ugly tattoos do you? You people just look for problems!" xxoocf

Oh my. Coming at this series from the books and isn’t this “Dragonfly In Amber” and didn’t they leave out all the Carribean stuff and—sigh—becoming totally lost......xxoocf

PLEASE!! Live the children out of this!! All this writing and comments will only be used to torment this child in school and forever. Adults signed up for this stuff—-pls don't victimize the kids any worse then they are already. xxoocf