It might be nice to find that group of students. At least you’re not dealing with the “that’s what my parents always told me” issue. xxoocf
It might be nice to find that group of students. At least you’re not dealing with the “that’s what my parents always told me” issue. xxoocf
Working with students drowning in “intersectionality” in Juvenile COrrections I notice when they are done sharing “I feel....” I will ask then OK now what do you THINK about.....The ability to corral a thought pattern with some rigor is lost when peeps have no/limited control over their life. Just an observation and…
Just bite down hard and FINISH! You will feel so muuuucccch better shortly and even three little years from now—-YOU WILL BE PROUD&GRATEFUL you stuck it out and completed the degree. As my life is changing up and challenging me I am so thankful to be able to look back and tell myself—-well you did this and finished…
I buy "expensive" bags because they are better built w/better materials than Target junk. I take VERY GOOD care of them—leather cleaner, etc—and when I'm done the resale is very decent. As Grandma always said—Chanel is blue chip and never loses value. True 'dat! xxoocf
I just keep hoping that after all Blake's "round-the-way" ways from the 90's that he learned a few boudoir techniques that he could use to brighten up an over a decade married faithful wife. Oh wait—we're talking about Gwen—oh yeah—now I remember (fans self repeatedly) xxoocf
Lovelovelove those pics. xxoocf
As a HS teacher in a large school district in CentralValliCAli the "official" district policy was we had "no gangs". I remember walking on campus one day and at least two groups of teens—200+ on each side were walking with intent to fight/riot towards each other. We had a young, super skinny, superMormon music/theater…
I struggle with that too but fight it off like a m*therf*cker just because its a drag to be around someone like us and it doesn’t help us. I journal like hell—bad days every 15 min update. Do something physical including just lifting weights in my front room and just count the minutes. xxoocf
Ooooo. Now that’s my kind of to-go order....xxoocf
Sorri little darling, but you are not now nor will be anymore "100% solo". xxoocf
For me CmasEve+CmasDay is 48+hrs of holding my breath. Tricky marriage and one wrong, mis-thought can create hours/days of crankiness,depression,droopy unwillingness to just shake it off. If I can get him off to a couple of movies—-that will take care of at least 6hrs. While he declines to celebrate w/presents etc,…
Ummm—wow. I reallyreallyreally like it. Bet is cost couple of $grand though——wonder who his artist was. 'Murica awaits the name Ben. xxoocf
After careful reading and looking at all the pictures&comments I gotta go with warmth and toad-dull hipness chick and say coordinate the motherjumper out of the colors&patterns and WEAR IT OUT!!!! xxoocf
I get these shows are not reality. but when my REAL LIFE gets too much—- its fun to imagine a stunning house at the beach, private inhome yoga classes and being just a stunning beauty with a closet that looks like a boutique I could never afford to shop in. It does make me wonder what WOULD satisfy the good Mr.…
Sadly I think you might be right. Returning from Saudi Arabia (training grounds for Radical Islam) growing his beard (shaving forbidden). I also agree with the tragedy of leaving behind a daughter who "one fine spring day" will get to read all the mess her parents left her with—-yet another victim. xxoocf
After having worked nonstop since I was 16 in such a list of crummy jobs you wouldn't believe, hustled myself thru undergrad, teacher training and grad school, plus when forced into early "retirement" by my bankrupt school district continued my hustle into CulSch where I am just finishing up my NatCerts. I would be…
It used to just kill me when I was working full time and going to school to become a TEACHER !!! (what a fool!!!) and every year my best office friend would get #1 beautiful cabin annual snowy retreat for week before and after Cmas #2 jewelry gift from her Mom which was always lovely gold&diamonds #3 $10,000 check…
Ah yes the kreepykrappy assholism of male bosses at work. Add the bad hrs, shitty pay, time away from what you really love—it's all good! Having just a "slightly" original first name that is spelled not totally like it sounds means I have been RE-NAMED by at least THREE DIFFERENT MALE BOSSES. Just gave up and kept the…
I understand your POV. However, there is SUBSTANTIAL research done a lot of places that indicate for women the benefits of moderate plastic surgery are real in the marketplace and show up in better performance reviews, more $$ and all the stuff we work hard for. xxoocf
I get injections of Botox in my hairline and corner of my eyes every three months to deal with Migraine headaches. Although the 10-15 needle sticks are not the best the relief from Migraines is. For full head botox you need to go to a Neurologist. My only side effect has been little more sun sensitivity which I use…