
I’m sure theres a number of programs, problem with PNW is that they are likely going to be in urban areas that super pricey. I can’t imagine getting a masters and paying for the priveledge to live in the Portland or Seattle area.

Corvalis has OSU which is a nice place. Right along the Cascade Range and the coast is

Depends what you want a Master’s in.

I live in Astoria, OR and honestly, lots of the time I’m driving around it literally FEELS like the 90s up in here. (So many 90s era TV shows were filmed up here plus that Grunge sound fam.)

Can some one just go unplug their transmitter or something?

Blow it up?

Ya know, leader of a labor federation should be a thankless job that’s only perk is a decent salary and knowledge that you are working to better others. It should not feel like a safe life long gig.

You should be organizing ALL THE FUCKING TIME. You shouldn’t even have an office but a mobile command center.

If I start a Gofundme, will you people send me on this.

I promise I will punch Bill in the face on a live stream and do my best to evade capture till I’m thrown off the boat.


Buy up loads of debt, start forgiving it all.

See this is why we can’t tax the rich more. Who will buy shitty art for more money than nearly 99% of the world will make in several lifetimes.

Hey, when you have maternal death rates in some states on par with rural Mexico, you know you’re doing well!

How many people in the GOP are white dudes who failed upwards thanks to rich and well connected fathers.?

All the Quest games are awesome.

I was partial to Quest for Glory. That RPG elements were pretty great as was the different playthroughs depending on the character. I’ve still super fond memories of QG4.

Hey, sometimes you just gotta keep the grift going.

Is it a backslide though?

He never said he’s going to JOIN Cersi.

Remember, he broke his oath to the Mad King because the Mad King was willing to destroy the entire city. I suspect it’s far more likely Jaime ends up kill Cersi.

It’s easy to fire a teacher. You’re dumb for buying that line.

Florida also recently voted to use something like 130 million dollars in tax payer money to go towards private school vouchers.

EVEN THOUGH, it’s explicitly banned by the state constitution. The GOP clearly doesn’t care and are counting on the newly more conservative state supreme court to give them an unconstitutional

I’m sure when I’m an old man and time has passed enough, the history books are going to likely just be fucking SAVAGE to the current GOP.

Like, if the American Experiment fails, there is a clear line from 1994 and Newt to this and beyond.

That certainly is an opinion devoid of any factual basis ya got there chum.

Nice comment! I’ll file that under the “I don’t understand the point of ensuring due process” file. :)

Mine Wars from the PBS America Experiences documentary is a great primer on that.