
Ten thousand times has the labor movement stumbled and fallen and bruised itself, and risen again; been seized by the throat and choked and clubbed into insensibility; enjoined by courts, assaulted by thugs, charged by the militia, shot down by regulars, traduced by the press, frowned upon by public opinion, deceived

Well listening to the current nonsense going on, Lindsay Graham just spent 20 minutes talking about Clinton.

Wow. So they are so lazy they can’t even take a free trip to meet the President.

What a bunch of socialist indoctrinating fools.

Oh no! We might have a system where human misery and disease doesn’t make some one a profit!

Team no one.

Everytime we play around in Latin and South America, we end up funding death squads.

I disagree with this because I never deflect, I question and try to point the logical fallacies bas——

Oh I’m doing it aren’t I?

Here we are all damn day! Doo Daa! Doo Daa!

Darting Down a Crisis Path! Doo Daa! Doo Daa!

Constitutional Crisis all the live long day.

8 chan is where the nazis and pedophiles went after they got kicked out of 4chan

His “manifesto” is heavy on bible quotes!

Its an 8chan poster. His manifesto is already making the rounds.

19 years old white dude with delusions of grandeur...

Did you miss the part where they are abandoning traditional herding because of increasingly volatile weather due to climate change.  

It’s ok. I’d imagine he’s the pedantic person at a party going “WELL ACTUALLY....”

We had king. We got rid of him.

Then we became a new country.

Do try to keep up dear. 

When we have people like this as representatives, I really start thinking we might just be better off having a King again.

Again, clear evidence that America is not a meritocracy is all around us but people keep telling everyone it is!

One of the most ironic things in the Pacific Northwest that I’ve noticed is that in cities like Portland or Seattle, traditional “black” neighborhoods that are slowly gentrified via rich white folks is that as they move in and displace long term residents and businesses is that it seems the amount of “Black Lives

There is a bottom. We haven’t hit it yet. And the bottom is something that ,may in fact be, some Lovecraftian horror from the abyss that knows nothing but the inky blackness of a painful, horror induced existence.

At some point, this is just some sort of welfare program for shitty politicians

So basically Donald Trump has doubled down no on *checks notes*
Starving children and locking children in cages.

Kurt Vonnegut once said that: