
All the children were objectively terrible and I hated them.

Ya, I love the articles that dance around the word lie.

“Trump incorrectly states.....”

Fuck you NPR. Call a lie. A lie.

Is this standard operating procedure? Just dump peroxide on anything you think is a bomb?

I think there is no situation more emblematic of this administration than this whole Special Olympics nonsense. It’s cruelty for cruelty’s sake and everyone ends up blaming some one else for.

I look forward to the President’s “Stealing Candy from Babies” Act and “Puppies and Kitties are Outlawed” Executive Order. 

The Goatee is the favorite of people who ask themselves this question “Have I put on weight? Hmm, how should I make it look like my chin is still there....”

I hope I live long enough to be able to say “I told you so.” To all these fucking lunatics as we fight over the last can of beans after all the crazy hardcore weather disrupts everything.

Same family too and American citizens.

The boy was blown up to all hell.

The girl was shot through the neck and bled out over a period of several hours.

The important thing is that we have a calm and sober minded President and administration to see us through any on coming economic cris-hahahahahahahahahahaa

I can’t even finish

Yo thats not even 8 bit bruh. Do you even video game?

How do you explain you were fired for being pregnant and bringing up sexism in the office space? (there was a settlement so I wouldn’t go through with a lawsuit. In fact, I have it IN WRITING that they fired me for bringing up sexism in the office. Was fired 2 weeks after a very positive performance review and 7 days

God, what she said was horrible and the people on the other side of the abuse shouldn’t have to deal with it.

I’m legit saddest right now about her kids in that video. They look terrified and know that shit is out of control and their mother is too blame. Breaks my heart. (I can’t stand to see children in distress. I

America: We could have saved it but were too damn cheap and too damn stupid.

What makes you think it is an apartheid state? Particularly when Palestinians were displaced by international fiat and then systemically oppressed for the last 60 years.

Having been to Israel and visited the Palestinian areas. It’s an apartheid state bruh

Nah brah.
“If being an apartheid state means committing inhumane acts, systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another, then Israel is guilty, a United Nations panel has determined in a new report.” 

And yet, they’ll still sell tacky Native American shit in their truck stops and pay lip service to the “great first nations people.” All while continuing to do what ever they need to do in order to marginalize and oppress them.

Fuck them all.

Israel is an apartheid state. Prove me wrong.

The only thing she should say is “This is some bullshit, ya’ll know it’s bullshit and stop all this bullshit.”

What Illhan is not problematic. We should be questioning why we are supporting an apartheid state in the middle east.

Also, holy shit, are we gonna do this to all the GOP knuckle draggers too?

I can’t wait for the GOP redemption narrative begins when ever Trump is gone. Each one of the sycophants that enable him should go down an a literal list of shit birds who shall always be remembered as people hostile to the general well being of humanity.

We should remember them like we remember the nutty and outright

The council tax was something that took me by surprise when I was living in London. (Crouch End Represent bruh)