
I dunno, talk to them like a human being, use de-escalation techniques, use humanity?

Or are you just searching for a way to justify this bullshit.

I’ve never been in a school where there wasn’t an extra staff member, including the principal. So your “situation” generally doesn’t apply.

If it’s that big an issue, I’d divide my students into 2s or 3s and send them to other classrooms while I dealt with the issue without applying force.

There is usually very

Ya but if Pay-Go happens, then nothing happens.

Way to suck Dems.

Bolton’s entire reason for existing is to start a war with Iran.

Like, he’s the physical manifestation of the Neo-con desire to bomb Iran.

It’s not.

The only reason to lay hands on minors in your care is if it is a situation where safety is in danger. I say this as a teacher who has had to restrain students for reasons such as assault, coming at me with a knife, intent to self harm, things like that.

Using restraint for defiance and the like is a no no and would

Yes, in theory, thats all true. In practice, parents and administration can make your life miserable.

It’s good for the kids to be able to articulate. I’ve already had a shit show because my kids kneeled during an assembly. The writing basically more ammunition to justify them protesting.

Otherwise, I can be attacked

To cover my own ass.

At least if administration or a parent complains I can give a better answer than “I don’t care if they stand for the pledge or not.”

I don’t make my kids say the pledge of allegiance in my classroom. At this point we just ignore it. My Iraq and Afghanistan veteran para fully supports it.

But, I do make them at least write a paragraph about WHY they won’t say it. They need to at least justify why. So they need to at least have a reason for

It’s amazing that Rudy, who got all this goodwill from 9/11, is basically going to be remembered now as a doddering old man screaming crazy things on tv.

Has any of this provisions been challenged in court? What the ever loving fuck.

Sadly, you’re likely right.

20 years from now, we’ll look back on this with the same shame as Japanese Internment.

So, it’s nice to know I’m living through the dark heart of history.

I think we should all mail Scott Walker a bag of dicks. 1 per day for the next 4 years.

I wonder how much of this is the fact he’s a famous name for writing middle of the road “white guy” hot takes.

He just identified himself as an enemy of his coworkers. Good job.

I’ve decided to become a right wing activist. It seems like a good gig, you basically sell a shit load of stupid gear to “trigger” the libs and basically exist on the wing nut welfare system.

I may even pump out a book about the how the Democratic party is the real racists and also some how work in the Satanic panic of

Or: This is all being done with the idea she has some bullshit job for life with a Think Tank like that Janus scam


Me. I’ll take the blame.

Also, nah brah.
If anything, Union pension money has kept the state afloat. It’s just that it became a fund to be raided instead of funded. So.....