
Maybe you should do some investigation on WHY the pension isn’t funded. None of it is the unions fault.

Honestly, maybe we are in the alcoholic anonymous moment. We need to hit rock bottom and then fight our way back to a semblance of sanity regarding how labor is treated and how the public at large views labor in general.

And frankly, maybe America needs to suffer. I would prefer sanity prevail but it’s as though no

Ya but then he praised Caesar and got the mob all riled up.

Well hopefully we at least get a really wild Law and Order episode out of this then.

Guys, I have a wild idea and I need you to hear me out.

First, we need to dig up William T. Sherman.
Second, we need to eldritch magic and cutting edge science to re-animate him.
Third, we need to explain to the newly reanimated Sherman that the current GOP is basically a Neo-Confederate political party.
Fourth, we let

I’m currently trying to unionize my work place. I work for an education service district that is one of the few non-unionized education providers in the state. We typically provide education service (Special Ed, Speech, etc) to small districts with high special education populations that can’t afford it. My school is

Man, I keep picturing how you’d make a movie about the Trump presidency and the only people I think that could pull it off is the Cohen brothers.

Nearly every time he opens his mouth, he proves that he just has no fucking idea what he’s doing.

The Supreme Court has been pretty clear that students can wear what ever they want as long as it isn’t terrible disruptive.

I don’t know exactly where that comes down though if the school is screaming about “gang attire” though. I’d imagine any court case would be won by the students in the grand scheme of things.

He didn’t want to disappoint Daddy.

I can’t remember off the top of my head but I think it’s Mississippi that has maternal mortality rates on par with RURAL Mexico. 

It seems any where that the GOP gains full power, the state ends up going to shit. Kansas is a nightmare, Oklahoma is so broke the had to move to 4 day school days and tell state troopers to only fill up with as much gas as they think they need.(To expensive to top off the cruiser.) Another favorite story from OK is

Many towns and places have laws and regulations on the book that make this sort of thing illegal BECAUSE they don’t want people feeding the homeless.

And reading the article, this seems like the city cracking down in order to get the homeless to move on or not be there. This has nothing to do with food safety. 

This was clearly not a legitimate election. Everyone should be mad and ashamed that these issues arose and could have swung the election.

I’d imagine that Americans should ALL be pissed about this but there seems to be one group of Americans who just don’t seem to want all people to vote. 

If you accidentally give this homeless person food poisoning, they may end up in the hospital or die of exposure!”

Is a fantastic argument for not feeding the homeless/hungry because clearly they’d be fine if you just didn’t them food.

So we elected a former Green Party candidate to the House of Representatives who ran as a centrist democrat but votes along conservative lines?

That’s not a terribly coherent belief system.

Reminder: Dude TRIED to lie to the FBI and failed. Thats not exactly a perjury trap.

“Why lie?” is the better question.

The irony of Rick Scott complaining about election procedures when he literally was in charge of the state and thus the election procedures.

See, I look at Florida and I think “well shit, liberal democracy is going out the window and the Republicans are going to kill it.”At least the conspiracy nut jobs aren’t out in force in Arizona, although I wonder if it’s because people in AZ might not buy the bullshit. Florida on the other hand, they buy any bullshit

Some one told me the other day, we can’t call this shit racist because people will get upset and Trump wins in 2020.

But, what else can you do. It’s like trying to describe the sky without mentioning “blue” or “clear”. Everyone knows it’s racist.

Also, heres what really gets my fucking anger up: We created the

I lived abroad in London and in South Korea during my misspent 20s. It was wonderful as I literally never had to worry about being shot.

I also never had to worry about medical expenses.

Why the fuck did I come back here.

Anyway, gotta go, my school is doing an active shooting drill today!