
This is why I only buy Kirkland or Trader Joe’s branded booze.

Actually, I’m pretty sure Trader Joe’s Bourbon is just Buffalo Trace which is a pretty solid whiskey for 16 bucks.

Listen, unless something breaks, this country is kinda fucked for the short term. We are currently being governed by people elected by the minority of the country. The way that representation works means that the millions of people in California get the same voice as people living in rural states with less than a

How is this not out right libel? Like it’s clear they are using the office of the President to straight up smear a dude with false accusations that have no basis in reality.

Dude should sue.

Well good bye to Jeff Sessions.

And hello to what ever sycophantic boot licker who replaces him. Shits about to get real.

I honestly don’t know how much he understands anything but the states that won him the Presidency just turned blue again.

He knows he’s basically gonna spend the next few years fighting. And lets face it, anytime anyone did a deep dive into anything Trump related in the past it’s basically come out as a settlement to

Hey, I’m sure that all those people purged from the voter rolls did not in any way help Kemp maintain that lead.

Honestly, if this election happened in another country, we wouldn’t even call it a legitimate election. Plus the bullshit bullhorn, Kemp pulled on Sunday night about hacking. What a fucking joke.

I like the part where one political party has spend a ton of time making sure black and brown people don’t vote.

American Democracy: It’s just for white folk!

Honestly, watching the GOP spend the last decade doing its best to disenfranchise voters and subvert the democratic process it’s pretty clear that these last several election cycles are illegitimate.

This is not a functioning democracy or democratic republic. Until voting access is easy and not done with the intent to

Fox News is such a posion that I don’t think we can even calculate how much our political life has been skewed and even broken in some regards because of Fox and Right wing radio.

It is nothing but literally race baiting, half truths and outright lies. It’s an entire industry built to tell middle American that they are

I’m actively seeking to unionize my workplace. Come hang out and buy me a beer. I’ll tell you all about it.

So how was dinner?

On a purely ethical level, there is only one party on the ballot that is working to make voting harder and doing their best to disenfranchise populations of voters. That should be the easiest thing to vote against on purely ethical terms.

Having been hit in the face with a rock, I’m assuming that I’m super lucky to not have been hit in the face with a bullet.

The ability for Republicans to deny factual evidence is and always will be amazing.

I mean, we’re still trying Reagan tax cuts because they “think” it works. When if you look at Kansas and Oklahomoa, two states that are basically evidence that they don’t, that will still not even give them pause.

I mean, Oklahoma has

My birthday

Because I enjoy the idea of being out of my house where I can better ignore any responsibilities I have. 

I just want to eat fried food and slowly kill myself through functional alcoholism.

Halloween is one of the nights I consider amateur hour at the bar. Listen, me and all the other drunks want to quietly drink beer in peace. I hate nights where people feel they HAVE to over indulge and over compensate to have a good time.

Bars are for sitting quietly until you have a thought that you need to express

Since I live out in rural coastal Oregon, sometimes I think “This must be what it was like for Romans living on the frontier in 3rd century AD.”

Ya, 10 minutes is a bit hypebole but honestly, at this point, a standard rifle platoon with a squad automatic weapon could likely take on the bulk an 18th century army on their own.