
Hate is a hell of a drug.

The only thing Republicans want to regulate is women’s bodies. 

I mean, fuck if you want to get in the weeds with me, the entire concept of bearing arms during the time the constitution was written was in relation to military participation.

To “bear arms” has a strictly military meaning at the time and our famed “orignalist” Fuck face Scalia disregards that in his opinions.

The 2nd

That dude LOOKS like a republican, pudgy, pale, no chin. 

As an Iowan, I routinely call up Steve King’s office to vent. It really brightens my day to have some poor staffer have to do mental back flips in order to justify the shit Steve says.

I encourage everyone to do it. It’s fun!

True. But having lived abroad for a number of years, the statistical chance of getting shot their is near 0%.

I love America. It’s just so exciting knowing that I can be gunned down at any moment in any setting. Really makes you appreciate life.

Yes but, because of the location we occupy on the map, we are often insulated from the issues that arise. 

The thing that pisses me off to no end, is people who demonize these folks have no fucking clue how American foreign policy has contributed directly to the violence and poverty they are escaping from.

At some point, the American people and yes, even the Trump chuds, have to wake up to the fact that what we do beyond

What magic is this?

It literally took  less than .5 seconds for the right to start screaming false flag.

The fact that we even talk about voter suppression and then nothing is followed up is fucking shocking. People are being disenfranchised by the design of GOP policy and legal maneuvering. The Supreme Court has upheld some of these things. At the end of the day, any election taking place with those policies in place

Oh god, that’s literally the republicans worst nightmare at this point.

The fact that we even talk about voter suppression and then nothing is followed up is fucking shocking. People are being disenfranchised by the design of GOP policy and legal maneuvering. The Supreme Court has upheld some of these things. At the end of the day, any election taking place with those policies in place

I often dream of blowing up the Fox News transmitter like Rowdy Roddy Piper in THEY LIVE.

Like that would work right?

I personally hate Thomas Payne. Caring about Black people and Poor people is unAmerican!

Good lord.

I cannot even fathom this.

American Democracy basically is just a whos who of exploitative fucksticks looking out for their ego.

I’d argue that current elections throughout the country are not legitimate  due to this shit.

Liberal Democracy relies on the consent of the governed to be governed. If people are are willfully disenfranchised, they have not given their consent to be governed.

The founding fathers had a revolution for basically that

As an Iowan, I call Steve King’s office 3 to 4 times a year just to ask what ever poor staffer answers the phone to clarify some of Steve’s more racist statements.

It’s fun for me to make them defend some of his indefensible shit.