
Do you think 2019 will be better? 2018 seems to have crossed the stupid Rubicon at this point.

So if I told people I have a black fella 3 generations back on my moms side, is that problematic?

I have no idea whats problematic any more. 

So she basically just did a dumb thing to tell the GOP that she isn’t lying about her family history?

Did she ever claim to be Native American or did she just claim she had Native ancestry?

I haven’t followed this too closely and it’s too stupid for me to care. 

Well now I learned Mudshark is disparaging term. So at least I learned something today.

Also, Mudshark is a ceramic manufacturer in Portland, OR. Which, woops for them!

As a white person or wypipo I guess, I think the biggest issue for the vast majority of white folk is their ego when discussing race.

For what ever reason, my pale brethren cannot separate themselves as an individual from the white power structures that have been put in placed and strengthened for 200 years.

This gets

Hey, accusing black kids of sexual assault is an American tradition.

Hey if we don’t bend over to the interests of Saud and Israel, then what kind of country would we be.

At the same time, I’m glad people are paying attention to this because maybe the war in Yemen will get more blow back. The Saudi led, American backed war is devastating that country and is basically making war on the

Fuck all those people. They have no policy goals, they don’t care about the country as a whole or the planet or anything. Their overarching principal is just fuck people who aren’t us.

Honestly, I would argue with the amount of shit like this happening our elections are damn near whole sale illegitimate.

Well, most of us will never go into a K-mart again period. RIP K-Mart :(

If Daddy doesn’t get his affirmation, Daddy gets sad. 

I know. But actual things about the market and economy, he wasn’t some guy who thought capital should do what ever it needs to increase profits. He genuinely feared that without proper regulation, the average joe would get ground to dust.

Have they read Adam Smith? That dude specifically said regulation is wildly needed or people who aren’t wealthy would be exploited. 

You’re welcome!

I have that. I mean, I’ll use it in a pinch but if the other bathroom has a table, thats where I’m going.

Man, only once has it been an issue. Some lady got the store manager and I told him that if this is the only place to change my kid, this the place to change my kid.

Note: I’m white so, ya, I understand that this experience may vary based on, ya know, the bigotry of a particular place. 

New York City: Where you can taste the pretension!

Although it does surprise some of the ladies who just want to pop in and use the loo.

Fake guns and a skit is uncivil. The mass murder of students continually is just a constitutional hiccup and nothing we need to address.