
I’ve been dealing with this too. I’ve just started making sure the ladies room is empty and doing my baby changing in there.

HOW DARE YOU! I’m, at most, a bit crappy.

It would makes sense if the GOP had policy goals that weren’t actively hostile to everyone that isn’t rich and just seemed happy to destroy any semblance of good government. But there aren’t. These people are actively dismantling progress and laying groundwork for shit that is going to come back and bite us all in the

Question: is wypipo specific to shitty white people or is it all of us?

What about service called “White Shield”

If you have to call the police for any reason, we’ll stand in front of you when they arrive to avoid “accidents”

Would it be acceptable to have like a white slapper?

A white person, hired by people of color, to slap the shit out of these chucklefucks? I mean, whats the repercussion I’d face, a ticket?


Some where there is a giant building, possibly built in the brutalist style. In these building are teams of men who work tirelessly to create cruel blonde women for Fox News in tubes.

I’m 100% sure of this.

I was thinking of just enrolling her in knife fighting class

Its not like there aren’t 50 more White prep school CHUDS waiting in the wings and at least half probably haven’t assaulted any one.

The thing that got me the most is the VAST amount of people who are hand waving it away.

Republican regular men and women who assume that sexual assault is just something teenagers do. No BIGGIE. Just the price of being an American.

My daughter is 10 months old, and I realize the sad conversation that I’ll have with

No. And you can’t make me.

So if the NYTimes is fake news, then clearly nothing will come of it.

Wait, are you telling me that the south is having a huge overreaction to something a black fellow did?

Shocked! Shocked I Say. 

Ya but he’s bringing the jobs back!

I’m sure that the GOP and it’s voters will take this into consideration when they vote in Novem......HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA

This is a feature not a bug of the GOP and it’s candidates.

Charter schools in idea are a fantastic thing. They SHOULD be educational labs where new theories are tried and then passed along to the traditional schools.

Charter schools in practice are money grabs by rich assholes or outright child abuse. (look at the NO EXCUSES schools in New Orleans.) They often jettison

Jesus was all about tax cuts for the wealthy and cutting off aid to the poor.

Healthcare costs are huge. Teacher pay was low in the 90s and 80s as it is today but health care costs were largely born by the district. As it stands, I now pay roughly 18% of my salary to insurance costs. 

I’m sure you would. Most people would. Not mentioned in the article though is Washington teacher pay has fallen the last ten years.

In some areas, teachers make 10% less than they did in 2010. Districts have foregone COLA increases, raises and asked teachers to continually pay more and more for their health