
And feminist dads!

Boys need feminist moms too!


I’m surprised by Trump’s interpretation on this. The darker horse won, but then after an appeal on technical grounds, the judicial system declared the lighter colored horse - far less qualified according to oddsmakers - the winner. You’d think Trump would be on board.

I like basketball

I’m just too exhausted to deal with this shit any more.

It was in no way based on importance. I just didn’t want that headline filed to “Dirt Bag.” I adored Fatima on her season of Top Chef and have been rooting for her ever since. 

said it before, will sadly say it many times again in the future:

One night I was in a hostel in Bali and I sat straight up in bed around midnight and just knew that my great aunt Kathleen was dead. It didn’t feel scary, just factual. She was over 90 but hale and hearty the last I’d heard. When I got back to Australia, my mum said “Kate I have some sad news” and I said “I know,

Same here.  One morning I woke up to intense nausea.  I threw up four or five times in less than an hour.  I couldn’t keep anything down.  I still decided to go into work, but as I was opening my garage door I saw that I had a flat tire.  Five days later I opened facebook to find a photograph of my mother.  She had

“fasting by not eating taquitos”

It’s true. Back in July, one day I woke up and I just felt so, so overwhelmingly sad. Like, I couldn’t get up and go to work and I was paralyzed with sorrow. That afternoon, I found out my Grandma had died that morning around the time I woke up.

I agree.

I’m not a “believer” but I still can’t explain that I somehow knew when my now-hisband’s father died. Like, within the half hour. And we hadn’t spoken all night. There’s something to death and life leaving. 

Yeah, I tend to do a dramatic eye roll when I hear stuff like this about being psychic. But my father passed away in November in his sleep. The day of I was so cold. I could not warm up. I was tired and I assumed I was coming down with something and didn’t go to work the next morning, only to have my sister call to

Now playing

JD McPherson, Rodney Crowell, The Old 97s and The Mavericks all have pretty great y’alternative Christmas albums.

i don’t know about that group but just yesterday i was told by a midwife(!) on facebook that i've developed stockholm's syndrome because i said my c-section was not traumatizing.

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

Dear Isaiah Silva - Cancers do not hire other people for things like murder. Housekeeping, laundry, yes. Murder, no. We don't trust people to be that kind of competent. We do that sort of thing ourselves, and get away with it.

“The Supreme Court of the United States has never ruled on whether or not the language of the 14th Amendment subject to the jurisdiction thereof applies specifically to people who are in the country illegally,” Pence said at a Politico event on Tuesday.”