
Yeah, there were plenty of well to do and educated whites that voted for Trump. What got him over the edge was suburban white women. These aren’t unwashed masses but people who want the most money they can get from tax breaks, etc. even if it is short term 

Also it allows us to ignore what well to do people are willing to accept in exchange for tax cuts.

OK, so now you’re just talking white people. WWC is generally measured as white/no college. Not perfect, but it’s reasonable (working class doesn’t have a fixed definition captured in exit polls). White/no college folks are still a huge chunk of the electorate and you can’t just write off the whole demographic or your

“I like what she had to say, but I still think she’s—sorry—a bitch,” said a 56-year-old Trump supporter. Another added, “Warren won’t be looked upon as a leader because she’ll be presiding over a House and Senate full of men. I’m worried she won’t be taken seriously.”

Are you kidding? This movie is genius. An incredible tribute to the Beatles and their contribution to music. I can't imagine a world without ever having heard of Elvis or The Beatles.  It's a great film with great acting....and it is a fun film.

Really? I thought DMB was stereotypical “basic girl” music.

Counterpoint: this movie is a delight and perfect in every way. It warmed every cockle of my wee heart and I want to watch it again and again. The story was original, the film editing was fun, the music was beautiful. The characters were relatable and entertaining.

Thank you so much. It’s been an unimaginable psychic blow. 

I couldn’t be more proud to be a member of ravelry, so I made this.

100 points to your house for the Dead Kennedy’s inspired tagline of this article.

My fave line from that film: “Everybody’s got a big but.”

First literacy, then kerning. lol

What bothers me the most about that shirt is the word “Write” being alone on the 3rd line. Just do a soft return before “Even” and the whole thing would feel much more balanced.

Number 1, Michael: I believe it is spelled “git.” I know you were quoting, but being the stickler I am for White Racist English (WRE), this love child of Granny and Tweety Bird definitely said “git.”

for a site that pretends to care about the underprivileged, you sure take great pleasure in shitting on discount stores and the poor people that have to shop there.

Don't worry. To us poors.

How old are you again, Lauren?

Yup! I think reactions to this go two ways:

I had a pot-a-morning coffee habit to try to prevent that afternoon drooling on my desk.

it’s not a sign of being chronically sleep-deprived, it’s a BENEFIT of being chronically sleep-deprived.