
The dine-in theater chain, which popularized noisy screenings thanks to its patented meal service...

Whoa whoa whoa, if we don’t get to make our own characters in FO4 than my hype level went from max to I’m not sure I’m going to buy the game.


On one hand it seems like he genuinely wants to make a great game, and is extremely passionate about the work he does.

That's my point. He doesn't seem to recognize that this is sexual assault; asking him to examine how he'd react if the genders were flipped is a prompt to recognize what happened.

That's something we had quite a few discussions about as I reported this story, which, as you can see, took a whole lot of time. Ultimately, Stephen and I decided that the benefits of this story are to shine a spotlight on A) just one of many, many people that critics like Anita Sarkeesian deal with on daily basis,

As a person who has had CPS called on me by an abusive POS relative who I refused to allow my infant son to know (for obvious reasons) - go fuck yourself asshole. CPS isn't there for you to deal with a problematic living situation that happens to involve a child and a bitchy ex.

I am fucking AMAZED by the guys that do this. I can't even wrap my head around it, it's like we're a fundamentally different species. My dick and I get along great and we have pretty high opinions of one another (well, I assume the well regard is reciprocated) but it has never once in my entire life occurred to me to

I don't think there's anything wrong with a fast-forward button in and of itself, much something like...the fast-travel options in open world games. But at the same time, I think if mechanics likes these are leaned on too heavily they quickly become crutches. In this case, I think it alleviated a core problem in MouseC

Ground Zeroes was the exception I had in mind. I no longer see as simplistic a judgment that I used to, that more hours = more quality. I think gamers, game devs and games press have all gotten past that and take a more nuanced look at game length.

I agree that Wolfenstein and Transistor were much better and fun experiences. I dunno, I was extremely hyped for Infamous and I even platinumed it, but when it was all said and done, the game wasn't very fun or memorable to me. I hated the story, the characters, most of the powers, and the way that the DUP were the

Best Game of 2014's First-Half, Any Platform: Wolfenstein: The New Order. No other game has resonated with me as much as Wolfenstein so far, which is strange — it's not my genre at all. I am an MMO and RPG sort of guy, so I should be calling out something turn-based or online. Weird.

I agree with this, but only in terms of exclusivity. I love Infamous and it's the first game that made me consider putting the PS4 into the "must-buy" category, but I had a much better time playing Wolfenstein and Transistor on the console all the same.

This must suck...

That's called a woman.

Let's clear up some things here so we're all on the same page.