
I had to take a second and make sure I didn't misread the theater chain they were talking about when I read that. It's such a throwaway line in the grand scheme of things, but I'm sitting here thinking "Wait, how could someone who knows anything about the Alamo say *that*?"

Stuff like this is why Peterson’s “Playing at the World” is my go-to history for TRPGs (and, really, a whole slew of other tabletop genres). Although he also privileges the designer, he points out how designers would often start as players of other games, and how they would often take ideas from the games they played

Fully recognizing all the issues with Unity, yeah, I'm kind of with you on this, Luke.

Has Dex-Starr, 10/10 would play again.

It can be quite beautiful, playing with other players who are just as clueless as you. I played for an hour on Sunday, enjoying myself thoroughly as my more 'hardcore' nephew looked on, offering sarcastic praise. "Oh yeah, you're doing great. That's totally impressive."

I reinstalled Civ V the other day, and it has fucked me up. My family is away on holidays for a few weeks so I'm home alone, meaning that I've been sliding back into the very worst habits of a Civ fan, from ignoring my own "one last turn" advice to ignoring the clock on the wall that's telling me yo, grown man, go get

Tim wants 3 million more dollars for parts 2 and 3 of Broken Age...

Kneel before GNOD!

Interesting article! I'd be really curious to see an update later on down the road that talks about the reaction to your team/this article.

Much of the Western Front was like that, true, but that's like saying a lot of World War II was sitting around and waiting. There were parts of the Western Front that moved quite a bit (especially if you count the beginning and the end of the war).

And that's not even counting the Eastern Front, which never devolved

Thank God. I've been devouring as many WWI games as I possibly could for ages, and THIS looks to be one of the most interesting/meaningful.

Let alone we've got the Centennial coming up next year, so it's about time for this oft-ignored war (at least in the States) to get some attention.

*slow clap*

Yeeeeeeup. 100% with you there.