
The Bro has ruined the vodka red bull, I can drink a gallon of that and be just the right kinda drunk. Horrible for me, but it’s the only way I can convince myself to talk to strangers

I’m surprised no has mentioned probably the best old hockey guy, Broduer, dude was 43 when he retired and was still one of the better goalies in the league

My girlfriend was shopping for the cheapest newest car possible and after everything we were between this, a versa, or a Ford fiesta. In the end the Fiesta was the cheapest option and comes with decent options, which the others don’t, plus we she got a manual

White Trash with Money is the technical term I believe


Now playing

I will be filling in for McPherson while he is out

Gonna go outside the box and Genesis Sedan

Gonna be that guy, but I’ve read everything that Gaiman has ever written and I think basing an opinion of him off of his Doctor Who work is poor. He specializes in slow builds, with heavy character development that you just can’t obtain in an hour long TV show. The heart of it is that he’s an amazing author, in my

Oriole Park has Crab Fries (basically just crinkle fries with crab dip on top) that are great and one of the best food values at any sports event I’ve been to

I’m gonna give it a NP, depending on condition those go for upwards of 60-70k but most are in the 45-55 range. This seems like good condition, and the turbos probably knock some value off but not outside the realm of possibility

I have a pork shoulder in mine right now, going on 30 hours, smoked it for 3 hours before, can’t wait to see how it turns out

To match my FR-S I got a shirt with the 86 logo on it. Only problem is people who aren’t familiar tend to think it’s a swastika...

Guy has a wagoneer near me, little breaks down everytime ive ever seen him

A guy in my office still chooses to wear these, I’m always so confused by it


Well based on one of the only conspiracy theories that I actually find reasonable, he was involved in the Franklin Community Credit Union child molestation ring which was the late 80's, I’m sure JoePa was well aware of this dudes sickness well before that

Well placed ad...

Had this happen recently, fortunately my friend just moved back in with his parents as they lived near by his work so he was willing to eat a couple months rent while I scoured craigslist for a roommate, eventually wound up with a relatively reasonable guy until he decided to get grumpy when I decided to leave at the

Fortunately if you look closely this aren’t actually installed... think just comparing the size lol