
My girlfriend and I have a list, though she’s bi so our lists actually end up looking the same

LFA face? LFA face

Nah, none of those actors could play Steven Avery. I’m thinking more along the lines of Jesse Plemons from Fargo

The end of that concussion movie should be a bunch of concussed former athletes going out and voting for trump, really highlight the dangers of head injuries

As a former student of the hedonistic college across the street from this joint, this guy can go choke on some Cookout

Alpha 4C, from every angle you know exactly what it is

I mean, it works. I met my girlfriend of the last 10 months on Tinder, she’s the first girl I’ve dated who I met online and is far superior in literally very way than all the girlfriends I found in real life

Not really, I’ve parked my FR-S next to both old and the new Miata and I’m always shocked at how huge it looks compared to them; width, height, length: everything is substantially bigger

My primary concern

Is it weird that I’m more confused as to where his pants are? Like, I can almost understand if they were around his ankles, but they’re not... they’re not even in the picture at all, WHERE DID HE LEAVE HIS PANTS???

I’m surprised R* didn’t try to make it a joke make him out of focus the entire time

*Das Sigh*

My girlfriend loves watching me play, I’ll see if she can get something together

1 is Marshall and the other is B. Marshall see 2000 ravens: Jermaine Lewis - Je. Lewis

Clearly the bike thing is referencing how the Gripz will have a 21 speed transmission, just like a race bike, that’s why it needs PRND to prevent humanity from automatically giving up

I choose targa top, I WANT TO BELIEVE

Where are you 3.8’s are that low? The lowest in the country on Cars is 13.5 and it’s a salvage title...

Agreed, my girlfriend was just cross shopping the Mirage, Fiesta, and Versa and ended up getting a 2015 Fiesta SE (decent comfort package) for less than a 2014 Mirage. Athough the worse of the bunch is the Versa (expensive, even more expensive if you want things like power mirrors). Actually the absolute worst car I

Right? Just add a scene explaining masamune’s orgin, including something about how if the blade fully enters a person then they are dead forever, and no magic can bring them back.