Moving to Vegas I’d read, because the Colosseum isn’t good enough. :(
Moving to Vegas I’d read, because the Colosseum isn’t good enough. :(
What’s a donnybrook?
Has...has anyone actually eaten one of these?
This is a really good deal. I got a similar price from a few months ago and have used it three times so far. It’s funny, it’s one of those things where once you have it, the task seems less cumbersome. For example, before I had a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, I would loathe making cakes or cookies or whipped…
This is a really good deal. I got a similar price from a few months ago and have used it three times so…
I’ve had one of these for years and use it often. The pasta is great! My wish is for a linguine-sized cutter, that is, wider than the spaghetti size but narrower than the fettuccine one. We never use the spaghetti cutter, only the fettuccine one. My hand-crank has such a cutter, but I’m too lazy to use it. In fact…
I’ve had one of these for years and use it often. The pasta is great! My wish is for a linguine-sized cutter, that…
Thanks, great guide. Winter tires are an absolute must. People who have never had them insist they arent necessary. DO NOT BELIEVE THESE PEOPLE. I’m partial to sottozeroes. I would argue tires are more important than whether your car is AWD or not. Posted this in the “cars in snow” thread but even with pure RWD and…
Series of poor life decisions made in this video:
Fuck your paper route, this guy had a fully functioning medical practice by the time he was seventeen.
extend that statement to the majority of france as well
If you think a game is worth playing, it has value to you. If you didn’t think a game was worth playing, you wouldn’t play it. Saying that you wouldn’t pay for a game and then playing it is lying to yourself.
Wow...that’s about the shittiest attitude one could have and you have proven nothing to anyone other than that you feel that you’re entitled to these games and the years of work the developers put into them is quite literally worthless to you.
“Why is 1/2 my gaming collection paid and why is 1/2 pirated.”
Let me ask you something. How has a game actually negatively affected your life in such a way that you could say that they “fuck you”?
You literally already do it all the time without realizing it.
“I had a substitute teacher today.”
“Oh yeah? What was their name?”
Isochron Scepter?
“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!”
Will caiman blood do?
The best thing I did to lose weight was to completely stop eating shit, especially candy, I lost 45 pounds with no exercise. Obviously exercise will help even more.