
Why do I have the feeling that it took you a long time to write this review? Like, it took an disproportionate amount of time compared to a conventional review, and much longer than you expected. Just a hunch, feel free to correct me :)

Oh, see this is why I never won

I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to play more than four of these, so how did he end up using it seven times?

A prominent bike store in my hometown offered a free city cycle to every member of City council, if the council members promised to cycle to work five times that year. The goal was to get them to understand how dangerous it was to cycle as a form of transportation around our city. Not a single member of city council

A million sounds like a big number, but I want to do some spitballing:

Self heating bowls!

I’d like to add that it is NOT fine to give a child a mattress you wouldn’t sleep on yourself. Just because they don’t complain doesn’t mean they’re fine... Especially in today’s age of hunched over children who spend every waking second on their cellphones.

I’d like to add that it is NOT fine to give a child a mattress you wouldn’t sleep on yourself. Just because they

One of the biggest things our gut microbes do is provide the body with the chemical stimulus for cravings. If you are overweight, you have significantly higher cravings for sugar, salt, and fat. Imagine how much easier it would be to keep a diet if you didn’t crave potato chips and ice cream?

Perhaps the study is flawed, how long were participants away from their phones? I know my girlfriend goes into survival mode when she loses her phone. A rush of adrenaline would easily explain am increase in cognitive performance.

Cycling is a wonderful low-impact exercise; it is much better than running for people who have knee, hip, or back soreness. Clipless pedals (the correct name for what most people refer to as clip in pedals) further reduce knee strain as well as increase your overall efficiency by using muscles you normally wouldn’t

No matter what type of seat you have it takes a few weeks to get over your saddle sores. It takes repetition and time to build up tolerance. After a few weeks though, you will be able to ride without any soreness.

Why not put the phone in a pentagram drawn with alligator blood and chant until something cool happens? Kids nowadays don’t even know how to have fun...

That’s not very comforting... you should at least let TadBravo know it could also be cancer...

because the road to recovery apparently has three lanes

Beautifully said, there is no better, only different. There are always trade-offs. If there was one perfect product, everyone would buy it and nothing else would be for sale.

OMG did we despawn Heather when we looked away?

I have one, it sits on my dresser. I have a total of 26 Hue lights in my house. I received this one as a gift and I have NO IDEA what to do with it. The best idea I’ve had is to use it as a centerpiece at the table.

I have one, it sits on my dresser. I have a total of 26 Hue lights in my house. I received this one as a gift and I

As a professional salesperson, I hate hagglers, not that anybody would believe or care why.