
I noticed that the article did not once outright say fracking in it... is this just because we cannot backhandedly assume that the earthquake was caused by fracking?

The first six week sous vide recipe XD

Ouch, being in the spotlight this long is a good way to get burned and leave a permanent scar on your company’s reputation.

The poles are attached to an orbital ring via a metric Size 30,000,000,000 Security Hex bit.

I respect Donald Trump’s right to election by combat when he doesn’t win by vote. In the best case they’ll finish each other off.

I think Rigid also missed a real opportunity to label this product as a Wigid.

It means your fridge is now capable of jumping between alternate realities, you can now use your fridge to turn 1% milk into whole milk and shaved lunch meats into a ham... things like that. It’s not dangerous, but be careful with leftovers!

It depends how well you understand technology; differentiating the Note 7 from the S7, or S7 Edge, or any other Samsung phone is extremely easy for you and I. But I know my own father, an engineer, does not actively know the difference and wondered if I had returned my Galaxy S7 yet...

When you assume, you make an ass out of Ume, the god of skin melting. Did you assume I was going to say something else?

Wait... Does anyone know where Elon Musk was last night?

Yeah, multiple other points of a building would have to be redesigned to make this lift even slightly practical.

Oooh fancy! They’re going to outsource your job to India last :3

Also, don’t just use your basic white rice, toss a tablespoon or two of wild rice in there :)


I could tell you of the great battle centuries ago, how the Traveler was crippled. I could tell you of the power of The Darkness, its ancient enemy. I could tell you why Mara Sov has a Ghost... but I won’t, because our writers couldn’t be assed make an actual story.

I came here for this.

A real space pen would have a pressurized ink cartridge >:O

Accountants of Catan...

Accountants of Catan...
