
What ads? :3

I would make a smart washing machine, every piece of clothing could have a sewn in RFID tag to let the machine know what was inside, and then it would adjust the wash settings appropriately. It could also give you warnings, like “Red baseball cap found in white laundry load, may cause color bleed”.

To be honest many residents in Fort Mac probably welcome a fire burning the town down. Because of an oil boom the town has doubled in size in little over a decade and brought a significant drug and crime problem with it... Ever since the oil market crash the town has been struggling and many of these properties were

Not gonna lie, I’d do it :]

Hoping for i²...

Or, you know, Chris could just mean peak demand, not peak supply. Nice rant though, I starred it :)

I can’t ever see this becoming a mass-adopted design, the modern crutch hasn’t changed much for decades - because it hasn’t needed to. Aside from comfort, the design needs to be durable and cheap... this design fails at both durability and the cost will be markedly more than the standard axilla crutch, which is


Neat! Now I just have to remake one of these in thread...

The people who live in North Korea are not ignorant of their dictators misdeeds, they are terrified of upsetting him.

Get an old toothbrush and give em a good scrub!

I’m sure it’s come up before, but I really can’t think of it specifically... I’m glad you were able to subtly mention such an understated fact.

The guy in the ninja mask has a PhD too...

FINALLY, I’ve been waiting for the last year for HTC to announce a price and an actual release date. I plan on purchasing one in April or May if I get a chance to actually try one first. Also the $1,100cad price tag doesn’t scare me at all. Today is a good day :)

I would like to introduce you all to the Stain Assist feature at the Institute of Home Science

I’d greatly prefer Jared Leto’s Joker with one minor change; remove the “damaged” and “hahahaha” tattoos.

Unless this isn’t the whole story and this space prince is actually a space prisoner, being held by the Russians in space-jail. That would explain it. What it wouldn’t explain is why this plot hasn’t been turned into a best selling novel yet.

Instructions unclear, accidentally built a Starbucks.

I’m 30 and this video made my day a bit better. Oh poods, you do such dumb shit, but it is so fun to watch.

So apparently I have 117GB... this bonus (which I also got last year) took it to 119GB. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do with all that space, but thanks very much! :]