
There are actually lots of little ticks like this when you’re gaming in 4K; if you look at a distant tree in most games it turns into a 2D sprite. The sprite might be at a good distance at 1080p but in 4K the sprite should literally be twice as far away before it kicks in. So games have to re-optimize their draw

The similarities to a souls game begin and end with both games being hard, but so was Ninja Gaidan, and Battletoads, the gameplay is vastly different. I suppose both games are also filled original enemies, scenic settings, and amazing music. But again you would have an easier time convincing me that Mario 64 is like

Unlock exclusive pants that make Batman run faster!

This can be accomplished easily, fatalities are only 99¢

Damn you horse armor, this is your fault. THIS IS YOUR FAULT.

Actually I've used this a very long time ago on my HTC One, I disabled it because (at least at the time) if your phone screen turned off, you couldn't wake the phone without hitting the power button, which would also end the call. It was a nightmare for making calls to customer service numbers.

This is one of two primary reasons right here... we all have high resolution, large screen televisions and loud, engrossing speaker systems. Much like going to a store to rent a movie, going to a theater is an obsolete business model because there are many more convenient services.

That logic is flawed; you're trying to argue that the transition between problem and solution prevents you from having less than four chains. An open chain link is still part of a chain and you could keep them linked to each other until the open links are attached to another chain.

Yeah, just like a flavor you grew up with, versus one you didn't. Squeaky clean has only ever happened to me when I was in hotel rooms and I truly believed it was because they used cheap soaps. So yes I have associated squeaky with negative, honestly even now I'll be trying to find a soap that doesn't make me squeak

There are lots of causes that can take advantage of it. But it really is a gimmick more than anything else.

Yup, uh, same here? Filthiest man in Canada. I've only ever used Dove; my mom has really terrible eczema and this is the only thing she can use without her skin breaking down and bleeding constantly. So I grew up with it, I also never liked how *literally* every other soap left you feeling squeaky clean (I still

Because when you drop Karen everyone focuses all their attention at you until you completely and absolutely regret it. It’s like painting the biggest target on you back.

Uber seems to be on lots of people’s (and government’s) shit lists, and many people recognize that Uber might in fact be terrible. Even then it doesn’t stop so many people from using rideshare services. And people wonder why it’s hard to find businesses with integrity? It’s because at the cost of everything else, we

To answer your question, the word has been around since the 90s and is a combination of the words costume and play. So it really is a single word used to describe playing dress up, much more convenient. It hasn't even been five years though since conventions have exploded in popularity in North America.

Nice! Now apple just has to find a way to drive the equivalent of 16 1080p monitors, because they didn't do an especially good job of driving the 5k monitor (nobody really has yet). If you installed four Nvidia Titan X it would probably let you run any Triple-A game on medium resolution, and would handle 8K film

The only time that adding a Draugr to an image made someone want to reproduce... EVER.

Oh the magnificent power of Eddy currents.

4k Master Race HYPE!

The answer is yes you will still want a bit of AA; this is my setup for the last two months:

Yeah I didn't follow the source on either though so I wasn't going to mention the disparity without researching it :)