
Damn you horse armor, this is your fault. THIS IS YOUR FAULT.

Yeah, just like a flavor you grew up with, versus one you didn't. Squeaky clean has only ever happened to me when I was in hotel rooms and I truly believed it was because they used cheap soaps. So yes I have associated squeaky with negative, honestly even now I'll be trying to find a soap that doesn't make me squeak

Yup, uh, same here? Filthiest man in Canada. I've only ever used Dove; my mom has really terrible eczema and this is the only thing she can use without her skin breaking down and bleeding constantly. So I grew up with it, I also never liked how *literally* every other soap left you feeling squeaky clean (I still

Because when you drop Karen everyone focuses all their attention at you until you completely and absolutely regret it. It’s like painting the biggest target on you back.

To answer your question, the word has been around since the 90s and is a combination of the words costume and play. So it really is a single word used to describe playing dress up, much more convenient. It hasn't even been five years though since conventions have exploded in popularity in North America.

The only time that adding a Draugr to an image made someone want to reproduce... EVER.

My PC is ready, but I have no money left to buy the friggen game, or pay for electricity.

Yeah it was only after I made that post that I realized I was necro-posting :)

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That's not the Super Mario Bros Super Show, thats CD-i Link from the Faces of Evil. This is what you're looking for:

That's too bad, but you probably have warranty! Have you checked your system heat? you want to make sure you're running a proper push-pull air setup, especially if only two of the fan controllers are working properly.

Alright I had a good wander around this monstrosity of a space boat and as far as I can tell, there isn't a single door or docking hatch. Possibly they crew is just welded inside?

Hey nice, I have the CM Stryker, the white version of this case :3

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Possibly some perspective would help? 79 Billion would put Bill Gates on the map as having the same GDP as the 65th wealthiest country, out of a ranked list of 194 countries. Bill gates also has a greater wealth that the GDP of the bottom 50 countries combines.

I put my mouse over the video and saw the green play button, I did not click it. The green play button is full of LIES.

Just before Destiny came out I strictly remember saying that "Bungie must have kept all the good employees"

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PewDiePie did this last year back, same basic concept, still funny :)

I would also play that... or 5 monster free for all. It would be like Smash x Monster Hunter

A dream job is accurate; it's far too short before you wake up.

You just haven't found the right cutlery yet...

The 970 is having stability issues when you're using more than 3/4 of its memory. That's the rumor I heard at least. My 980 is doing fine.