
That is a quote from George Bush, moments before he announced the invasion of Iraq.

It's too bad that you feel that way; I personally find this to be a beautiful piece. As an artist, I feel that the end result is just a piece of the puzzle. Everything including the conception and motivation is a part of the whole picture. Please don't tell people they're wasting their talent, it's not a compliment


The problem is that the Start menu missing was never really the problem; alienating users with a massive UI overhaul is the culprit, and not in the way you'd expect. Nobody needs a new OS if their current one meets their demands, so the only reason the average person would upgrade is because of hype. When Windows 8

I'm guessing they will have to make the robot advanced enough to be semi-autonomous. When the arms can be give a set of instructions and the robot has to be smart enough to identify the proper organs and blood vessels and work accordingly, we'll be ready for Mars.

A few more years and I can realise my dream of the perfect tanning hammock.

HL3 Confirmed to have dragons, Daenerys Targaryen would be pleased.

I wish I had a job that let me drink at work :(

This is the musical equivalent of getting a Chinese letter tattoo... unless you know for certain what it says, it will come out gibberish.

Congratulations, the first step is admitting you have a problem.

Ah, the beauty of making mistakes :)

Is a green LED really all it would take to make you feel better? If someone wants to record you in secret, there are many better ways. Sure, fine, put a recording light on it... Then cover it with electrical tape, or get an app that disables it, or get a pen camera, or put a Go Pro in a duffle bag, or hide cameras in

To be fair, if you decided to trust a company called "Magic: The Gathering Online Exchange", whose CEO admitted to being convicted of money transfer fraud before he even turned 18, you deserve to have every cent stripped from your stupid hide.

Oh okay, you read it literally, when it was actually sarcasm... A challenge with written text; it can be hard to convey feeling and emotion which leads to misunderstandings.

Yes. This must only be used for trolling.

If the gel was shaped like a cube, then you would have no point of reference, but if the gel was shaped like a cherry, raspberry, or lobster then it would be easier to identify red as good.

Hmm, that's strange, Wuzupmyhomiz's comment made perfect sense to me? No translation necessary, just a purely sarcastic comment about being wasteful. I'd love to know how other people read it... this is why voice is such a difficult thing to capture on the internet.

More people need to be like you, the first world throws away far too much because the number stamped on the product told us it was "best before" :)

The only question you should be asking yourself is why hasn't your personal shopping staff already bought this for you?