
Yes, but only Lego Crysis, and only in 4x2 resolution.

Until we can reliably make all connections wireless, I see round connectors to be the best solution. Possibly having the 9 pins that USB 3.0 will have would make the connector too long? I really can't see a disadvantage!

I didn't think there would be much oil around the North Pole; I was wrong! And you're right this is about claiming and protecting resources. It's one thing to claim territory but Canada has been know to have trouble watching the already massive territory it has... currently ~60 outposts patrol Canada's northern

The red hot nickel ball would have the same effect in liquid nitrogen as it would in water because of the Leidenfrost effect. Now, if you learn more about heat transfer and then go watch the video with the RHNB and water you should be able to tell me if it would take more time or less time for the RHNB to cool off in

Also add some more graphene, that's sure to do something whacky!

Correction, the power to destroy the world is in the hands of people who know how to use Bic pens to pick bicycle locks... The pen really is mightier than the sword...

Actually it probably wouldn't; the weight of the chain in combination with its shape is what causes the phenomenon.

1 mile ≈ 1.61km

Where are you guys getting your measurements from?

Yeah, I'd still eat it. Just wrap it in petrified bacon.

I think the images of Canada are wrong as well, the Canadian government has been tracking forests by satellite for about a decade now, they report a 0.01% change in the last 20 years. Although logging does cut about 10% of Canadian forests down every year, it is properly replenished. I suspect Google maps is tagging

You cleared round two! HIGH FIVehhhnevermind.

Oh boy do they ever! Like smashing a bottle full of lightning, a large enough capacitor can do some serious damage if it is punctured.

Now playing

As NSX4LYFYO pointed out, there is another artist, Riusuke Fukahori, who has a preference for painting goldfish in the same style, here is a youtube video, its not really a how-to but you should get the idea, and have a better idea the scope of his work:

Lady Gaga is always striving for new heights in fashion. Let's hope she doesn't run out of gas when she's at the top.

This actually reminds me of Reboot, because I always saw these animations right when Reboot aired.

720? Oh wait.. because of the resolution.. and the revolutions... clever.

It's an interesting video, but it doesn't really address why this is a problem. At the end of it all, we give these corporations power because consumers think that they want what corporations have. Anything that a company does to separate consumers from their hard earned money only works if we let it. If you don't

Now playing

Fill it full of lights and people and open the bridge to this song:

Pfft if it isn't a depleted uranium you can't even call it heavy.