And how to pick out ripe produce? Who knew teaching stupid people to do basic things could be so lucrative?
And how to pick out ripe produce? Who knew teaching stupid people to do basic things could be so lucrative?
Oh my god. "Have you been really careful about personal daintiness lately? It's a shame to let neglect spoil your married happiness..."
AUGHHHH!!!! That is terrifying.
"Throwing shade" is one of my all time favorite expressions.
I liked that "please stop" was written across the back of that monstrosity. Seriously Miley, please stop.
Wow. That news about him being possibly schizophrenic is in no way surprising to me.
So great. I love the segment they did on street harassment.
Julie Andrews is seriously the most gracious human being on earth. I own the 40th anniversary collector's edition of Mary Poppins, and in one of the DVD extras she talks about how she was passed over in favor of Audrey Hepburn for the film version of My Fair Lady right before landing Mary Poppins (even though she…
The last time Rush Limbaugh exercised he was dodging the draft. The only pleasure a woman has gotten from fucking Rush Limbaugh was during the settlement of a divorce.
Yay for this comment! I'm currently working a pretty short bob (like between jaw and chin length) but am planning on maybe getting an Audrey Tatou-ish short cut next time I go in. I think having short hair can feel really liberating.
I had that SAME THOUGHT. Also, reading this piece made me want to break a bottle and shank those pieces of crap, like Robin did to her lead rapist in the bar.
Yeah man, I love me some kale! I think a lot of people prepare it strangely in salads. I have come across a lot of restaurants that do some sort of lemon dressing on their kale salads because supposedly lemon helps make it more digestible (I think), but to me it just makes the kale SO bitter. Massaging it in olive…
I know Aham was joking when he said the thing about having a team of women to take care of his needs, but that totes reminded me of this story:
Yeaaaaaaahhhh because "dropped the charges and was crazy!" is NEVER used to victim blame! *eyeroll*
Holy shit yes. I can't imagine being a kid and experiencing that! China one was pretty creepy...I'm wondering if there's some bizarre scientific explanation for that though? THAT would be interesting.
Ahhhh squats and burpees. I love hate you because you're so hard but I love you because you make me strong and toned.
Hahahahaha the padded butt! Amazing! And as Callie pointed out, it's a great costume WITHOUT black face. It can be done people!
Yeah, my reasons for going off the pill/hormonal BC were entirely because of side effects. I was extremely moody and emotional. I'm on something now though that seems to be doing better though, so that's good. Plus at this point a few side effects are worth not having to have another abortion!
Of COURSE she is. *headdesk*