
ME TOO. That was the best one.

I really think there's something to this idea of unconscious "laxness" that takes place the longer you're sexually active and on birth control. I too was REALLY REALLY careful (two forms of BC every time, hormonal and barrier) when I first started having sex, but after a few years went off BC and switched to only

She's also got the mismatched eye color thing going on which is very pretty! I mean, yeah, I'd like to see more diversity in fashion too, but... I don't think the lack of it is her fault.

Yeah... I mean, I'd say that based on appearances and strictly how she comes across generally, yeah, Kate Bosworth seems pretty boring. But I agree with you; a lot of this vitriol seems unwarranted. Last I checked being boring wasn't a crime.

Ha! Yeah I zone out pretty good when I'm at the gym, so I haven't been bothered much either. That said, I belonged to a gym one time where the personal trainers would INCESSANTLY try to sell you on their services. Like, one time this guy came up to me while I was on the elliptical and started scolding me about how

I love this. A good workout regimen should incorporate components of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and something to maintain your flexibility. If you're going to let gender norms dictate how you work out, then you're doing it wrong.

I have a theory that Ann Coulter is a brilliant performance artist, and her years of craziness will one day be distilled into a multi-media installation at MoMA. It's really the only logical explanation. Like, how can someone say things like "Women have no understanding of how money is earned" and actually mean it?

That jacket. That styling. AMAZE.

Yeah, would've accessorized differently, but I love it too.

HAHAHA that reminds me of a bit Louis C.K. does. The one where he's like "Being a white guy is great! And it's literally the greatest thing to be throughout history! You can get in a time machine, go to any time period, and being a white guy is the best! But don't go to the future. Because you know we got that

I actually think the cut is an improvement. It shapes her face nicely and gives her a little more volume. The makeup looks weird though, plus it looks like they photoshopped her.

So I clicked through the link. A few things:

I was team Peeta from the beginning. I felt like Gale was just too traditionally masculine for my taste. There was also something really sweet and romantic about how Peeta had always sort of loved her from a far, and the whole bread thing, which is so beautiful in the book but was unfortunately minimized in the

Yes, a narcissist, and possibly a sociopath, which is a creepy thought considering she's 14.

Lila Rose is an abhorrent human being. She makes me so angry.

Yes. Agree with every point you make about his writing style. On top of that, he has a history of writing offensive pieces (I've said this before, but my Doug Barry hatred was completely sealed when he wrote that hurrication piece shortly before Sandy). He just needs to go away.

I can't even with this. I like extracting white and black heads as much as the next person, but with disinfected, proper tools (like an actual extractor). Also, why didn't this person go to the dermatologist YEARS AGO after it wouldn't come out and it got worse? Ugggghhhhhhh...

Aw, hope you enjoy! And glad you feel better!

Ah yes, the ol' "taking out my stress on others" syndrome. There's actually a great book you might want to read that could give you some additional insight on your husband's behavior - it's called "Mindsight" by Dr. Dan Seigel. He's a neuro-biologist and psychiatrist that takes a mindfulness approach to his

You poor thing! I'm so sorry :-( Hopefully your husband will realize that he needs to reevaluate his expectations and love you as you are, imperfections and all! It's our imperfections that usually make us unique and special, anyway. It may have made him successful in his particular line of work, but research