How could a lowly mexican like me "challenge" master-race "steve", right? Go back to stormfront, son. They miss you sorely there. You can regale them with tales of your exploits and homophobic derring-do here
How could a lowly mexican like me "challenge" master-race "steve", right? Go back to stormfront, son. They miss you sorely there. You can regale them with tales of your exploits and homophobic derring-do here
You sure waste a lot of time plaintively claiming to be tolerant after calling me a beaner faggot, don't you? Strange for a self-professed white supremacist.
you would know from entitlement "steve". Your anger at being challenged by a mexican and a "fag" to boot have really raised your hackles. I shudder to think at the violence I would have faced if this were real life and not the internet
stooping? Is that another crack on me sucking dick, asshole? I don't threaten you, hater. You are a threat
wow. Aren't you ashamed to talk like that? You can tell someone's race just because of how they talk? Why? Because all gays and mexicans are the same and have to adhere to your standards? We all have to dance to angry steve's hateful tune?
Angry steve is projecting now. Will horrors never cease? Just slink back into whatever hole you crawled out of you racist homophobic retard, before your anger turns violent and you hurt someone
You'd be surprised at the allure that an overweight gay mexican poolboy can wield
got a real winner for you here, ladies. Racist and homophobe but he doth protest at every turn that he loves us all the same. Disagree with him at your peril, though. He's an angry one.
What? Cause I'm mexican I don't read now, you fucking racist!? Where does the hatred end, angry steve? What did we gay mexicans ever do to deserve your anger?
to angry steve, misogyny and homophobia are shorthand for "disagreeing with angry (homophobic) steve". All the while, taunts people who disagree with him and "cum drinkers". You should try it some time, angry steve. Sucking dick might help you work through your hatred issues (protestations to the contrary aside). It's…
Denial. And that fool Kubler-Ross thought that it came before Anger. She didn't know angry homophobe steve though.
Self descriptions are cheap, angry steve. I claim the same view. I don't dislike anyone on the base of sex, sexual preference, race or religion but unlike you, I don't fall back on homophobia when I'm backed against a wall like you do.
temper temper. You acuse me of sucking cock as a derogatory term and then you lose your cool when I call bullshit on your diversity credentials, "steve". An angry homophobe to boot. Who let you on here? What a shallow and disrespectful view you must have of women if you demand they all conform to the hateful jezebel…
Again? Why? Because I find jezebel to be a divisive and hateful joke? Meanwhile "Nice Guys" like you attack other men by telling them to suck dick, like that's a bad thing. Go ahead asshole. Call me a faggot. Show your real colors.
It's funny to me that you talk about sucking dick like it's a bad thing. Seek help you retarded homophobe "Nice Guy".
ladies. Someone give this guy a fucking medal. He realizes the basic fucking fact that men and women are equals. Doesn't that earn him a toss in the sack? No? Anyone?
cum is awesome. You have a problem with sucking dick you homophobic sack of dog shit? If enjoying the retarded drivel on jezebel is the litmus test for "not hating women", well shit, I guess I must hate women then because I find the articles on this page and the idiots that read them to be the lowest form of human…
Not a misogynist piece of shit? Like me, right? Why? Because I find this mind-hating circlejerk of retarded harridans to be pathetic and divisive? Ho hum. I wear a faux badge like that with pride. So if not liking the weepy jezebel jeremiads makes me a misogynist, that must make you the "Nice Guy"
Tell me more about how successful you are with the ladies, stud. Are you rich too? Are you a navy SEAL? You could totally kick my ass, right? All the lesbos on jezebel are totally creaming their pants at your bravado atm. If me measure butthurt in insecurity wrapped in snarky sincerity, I would call your proctologist…
The difference between you and me is that I show you for what you are and it peeves you enough that you have to respond to me. You shit on Abigail Fisher but she doesn't even know that you exist. You and your life are nothing to her and her historic success. Enjoy your bitter helplessness, troll ^_^