Charlie Foxtrot

no name quite as male or white as steve. what are you even doing on jezebel steve? none of these women would fuck you no matter how much judith butler you leave laying on your coffee table

You are a bitter retard who saw someone who followed what she believed in and won a staggering victory. You can't stand success in general and success you don't agree with in particular. You figured that you could comment with impunity in the gawker echo chamber and be an acerbic turd to a strong young woman you know

check your privilege, steve

it's funny that you think I'm a troll, sport

you fake jet setter millionaire types are so laconic

Do women have a term for "circle jerk"?

I like the new line of kotex tampons but I'm not going to buy any and here's why: As a man, I don't feel like they pander to me enough so I'm going to sit and stew in a jezebel circlejerk and then Imma head off to play some angry birds

This is why feminists and feminism are a widely regarded as a joke

On a scale from Awesome to Megaman X, how great is it going to be when Zimmerman walks? Over/Under liberal OJ simpson joy?

Also, I love that you posted an answer to this. Read it a few times and deemed it unsatisfactory and then TOOK THE TIME TO ERASE IT AND POST ANOTHER. Nothing screams "millionaire" quite like a sad sack who spends hours editing responses to strangers on the internet.


yeah. and what have you ever paid for that got that kind of return on investment. this fisher girl is awesome and the fact that she makes you angry makes her even better

She had the tenacity to bring a case all the way to the Supreme Court and win. What the hell have you ever done?


don't interrupt the 2 minutes of hate


I'll wager you wrote "hispanic" on your college admissions form "Lola"


Hush. You are ruining the circle jerk. Gawker media fanboys (I'll wager rich, white hipsters) are busy commenting on her to show how comfortable they are with black people.

She beat you. She won and you lost. You are but a wisp of anonymous cyber-ether and she will go down in the history books as a landmark case that took down a huge part of institutional racism. I hope that helps you hate her a bit more ^_^