His gf is kinda gross. Didn't you say the guy's a billionaire? What gives?
His gf is kinda gross. Didn't you say the guy's a billionaire? What gives?
Gawker media are offended by something. Didn't see that coming
I don't know why the jezebel overweight harridans and homebody eunuchs pretend to have an opinion on sex anyway. Their idea of sex seems to be working on their edith butler/benedict cumberbatch fanfic ship tumblr, fueled only by cat-ridden loneliness and tubs of tear speckled Häagen-Dazs
This book is awesome. The Jezebel crowd should read every page so that they can get their frigid load off every so often
Pity post
I, for one, am shocked. Shocked! that the Rhodes Scholar, salvation-army types that are selected for Big Brother are anything less than the acme of human morality
Aaryn is fucking hot
Your wit, intentional or otherwise, has stood the test of time
Either you are intentionally being really funny and no one noticed or you stumbled into writing the best post on this talkback by accident.
I respect your opinion. Calmly stated, it is, of course, a valid point. I do not assume bad faith on your part. What irritates me on these talkbacks are posts that invite commenters to act in a brutish and hateful manner and the commenters who fall too easily into the trap. Have a good evening
you are calling for measured debate in a designated jezebel "2 mintues hate" post. You must be new here. The author's duty is to ridicule any deviance from liberal orthodoxy and the commenters' duty is to hate the subject of ridicule until she repents. What part of this are you unclear about?
Sure. If it makes you feel better. I am attacking your POV in a talkback. What did you expect? For everyone to smile at you and validate your opinion? Even for jezebel that's expecting a bit much. You set the tone for this discussion with your ad hominem opening salvo on Abigail. If you want a convo to be…
look. I get what you are saying. I do. But at the heart of it I see a girl who used her own experience to undo what many consider to be a historical artifact of institutional racism. Is she the poster child for AA victimhood? Maybe not. But SCOTUS decided to review the law based on the merits of her case all the same.…
Didn't you just bid me a good night? Oh well. I don't owe you any fucking empathy. Surely you can recognize this as you noticed that you don't owe any to Abigail. That's the world you promote with your filthy uncivil discourse and tribalist hatred. Just remember: You aren't the biggest asshole in the mosh pit. Not by…
she looks lazy and entitled based on WHAT? You seem like an abrasive shit to me who bullies people for fighting what they believe in just because it jives with your narrow, preconceived narrative. Thank god I can express that fucking opinion in this country still.
Race and sexuality are of no interest to me. They are value-neutral. You bring them up so much though. What a boring way to see the world
Sadder than you being a child molester is that you are a child molester who cares what people think in the jezebel comments section. Yours must be a cognitive dissonance for the ages
again you refer to sexuality and race to denigrate. what a sad creature you are. Are you unable to see the world in any other context?
lol. First you brag about molesting children and then when I call you on it, you delete your comment and accuse me. I've got the screencaps here if the FBI ever has any questions white power "steve"
tl;dr. Look. Fuck you, ok? You slandered a woman you know nothing of just because she fought and defeated you and your hateful mindset. Then, you complain when someone does the same to you. Sit back. Have some chamomile and think about what happened here. In the internet, like in life, you reap what you sow. When I…