
It’s just going to end up like a boat tie up on Lake Havasu

I might be alone in my feelings on this but i really liked “Altered Carbon” I thought that it had a future. The second season wasn’t as good as the first but there was still meat on that bone.

Could be a dissected Hunter, they’re supposedly a colony of worm type things that are all packed into the armor and strapped a fuel rod cannon onto the arm.

I think you mean $45 for the android Kishi... not $5.

I think you mean $45 for the android Kishi... not $5.

Your comment needs to be at least 3 times bigger

Somebody skipped leg day...

This seems like a really expensive version of those “400 games in 1" systems you see at Walmart.

ok, now like I’m 3.

man... I totally forgot about the hunt for truth, that was seriously fantastic... then got completely ignored.

So can you play between a PS4 and PS5 (i.e. I’ve got a PS5 and my buddy has a PS4)? Or are they saying that you can’t play between anything playstation and anything non-playstation?

Came here for this. Was not disappointed.

Maybe I’m crazy, but wouldn’t you have to be fishing for a HUGE fish to have it attack something that’s 10+ cm long?? that’s a seriously big lure!

That dude is seriously a wizard.  Incredible work... I also super want that 3d print setup

It’s like if this was the secret hookup pad for Ms. Claus and Tony Soprano.

Someone in another post said use I.E. (chrome worked for me) but then use the link below for the U.S. submission. What they linked above is the international version.

Huge, thanks man! Same problem as the others, the link you provided was perfect.

I am legit excited about this. Since I first saw the Kinect star wars game, I’ve been DREAMING of a vr/ar game that lets me swing a light saber around. I. Can’t. Wait.

Huge Bummer.