Chris Q

Each year around mid-August, publicists start burying everyone in the food journalizing racket with ideas for

Landscape video.

To be fair, you can't even walk in Chicago without running into at least a few Poles.

We all know he wasn't a "True" Raders fan or the article would be talking about the woman recovering from her impalement wounds too...

Am I the only person wondering WHO all the people were supporting this site?! I mean, I'm appalled at the gall of this guy, but what about the people that were supporting and going to this site?! I know there is no way to track them, but there is a seriously low level of people out there if they think this is okay,

I keep hearing how Anonymous is such a bad group, but judging just by the kinds of folks they destroy: this guy, WBC, etc, I have to say I don't see what is the problem. This guy (a loser who lives in his parents' home) is the very definition of what Anonymous is out there to protect the rest of us from.

I can't decide what's more frustrating - that people like Hunter Moore exist or that people are so up tight over nudity that a woman can lose her job over private photos leaked for all the world to see.

This is a tribute to what a devoted mom can accomplish and is incredibly bad ass.

How has this guy not been killed by someone? People have been murdered for a lot less.

Five goddamned paragraphs on that goddamned tea pot

What's the fuss? There's always tea, pee in the bathroom.

Holy crap, that locker room looks like a dive.

If you don't name names, than you are part of the problem. Stand up and tell the truth about these incidents, and be part of the solution.

Well, it's an article about portrait photography... It's relatively rare that someone comes into your studio and says, "I'd like you to take a picture that accurately reflects me, warts and all. Be sure to capture my crippling anxiety and lack of self-confidence; this is going on my LinkedIn profile!"

See, the radiation in the ocean turns fish to narcotics. And you all thought fukishima was dangerous.


He should be brought up on charges of reckless endangerment, banned from the stadium and sued by the person injured.