Chris Q

Wow, I wish I'd thought of that before making a joke with that exact thing as the unstated punchline.

I was trying realllly hard to see if that was writing under there, or if he literally got fucking scribbles tattooed under his mouth...

It just goes to show that people who comment on the internet are the lowest lowlifes out there.

They're all so bad, it's splitting hairs by that point.

Can't be much longer, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are starting to appear:

What on earth does 'the colder parts of the US' have to do with getting wasted and hitting trees?



The bald Jets fan who put the towel over his head must have realized the fight was being video taped and being in the witness protection program, he was protecting his identity

The mating ritual of the New Jersey male continues to mystify anthropologists.

We get it Sarah, your new word for the day was embolden, you don't need to use it every three sentences. I worked on her rival's campaign for my senior project one year. I have been kicking myself ever since for not doing more. I have a friend who was rear-ended by her on Northern Lights and Minnesota, she regrets

This was really great. Thanks.