
"Their" cars? That's rich.

We were all thinking it.

What in the fuck did I just read?

Cabalanoo, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God

You must hate that winter vacation is almost over and you have to go back to Junior High on Monday.

I love reddit:

And some SEC poon at that. Good job, nerd tree.

Also, yet another list on which the Browns finish last.

The pre-snap read is they're gonna chuck it this play.

Is that not a hand ball? Look at the vid around the 54 mark.

She may lose her job at Footlocker after this video.

No one cares about your fantasy team.

I know. It's so weird. Good looking NFL QBs hardly ever get hot chicks. I can't explain it.

This really is weird and I don't know that anyone can explain it.

My butler read this for me, and agrees with your methods. Me? I think cooking your own lobster tails is as gauche as driving your own Maybach.

Lou Holtz's comments are becoming increasingly difficult to transcribe.

That guy who drove 35 miles to Temecula to beat some rando's ass for his bad Kobe Bryant takes.

He was upset it wasn't a Holiday Shaqtus.