I think you have the “Buddy was a sterling Marine... “ paragraph in there twice. Or my browser does.
I think you have the “Buddy was a sterling Marine... “ paragraph in there twice. Or my browser does.
In the first 15 seconds of the video.
Quality journalism. Also, I can totally see graduating from a mechanically functional jdm pickup to honkin’ regular cab 8’ft bed 350 sbc with positrac as a legitimate trade up in an agrarian industry.
They got $20,000 of free Mercedes labor/service by a Mercedes professional.
Is it just me or does that seem like a heck of a lot more than $2,904?
“30-year Mercedes Master tech Dave “Klink” Kalinkiewicz, who would end up putting hundreds of man hours and several months of work into the car”
Ummm... no. Imagine we killed everyone over a stupid offense that’s worth $300. I’m sure most people slack off during their job for the “losses” to be worth at least $300 per month to the employer - should he/she just have you tossed out of the window for that?
I’m happy that we live in a world with so many retro scramblers that we can be all blase about them. Remember, people, it wasn’t long ago that your options were 1) a slightly porky, slightly overpriced Triumph or 2) Go Fuck Yourself.
Seats like the raptor and even my WRX are at least tasteful. They don’t stand out too much. Stitching an actual patch onto the seat is pretty bad though.
Let me get this straight. You are concerned with reliability, so your plan is to buy a 1st year production ALFA ROMEO?
I call shenanigans on that edit. I can spot a Crown Vic out of my peripheral vision in my rear view mirror at night in the fog with its lights off from about a mile. Maybe two.
If that is what you hope than you are a terrible person.
Man A: Has fun, messes with people.
Also, The Professional had these great scene (sucks that they cut right before the action intensifies further, but you get a good idea of what happens).
A special shout-out to the Michael Mann-influenced The Way of the Gun by Christopher McQuarrie (screenwriter of The Usual Suspects and director of the upcoming Mission: Impossible 5). The obvious influence is in the tactical knowledge, how the characters do not waste bullets and use cover properly. The entire film is…